Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Dresdens, HST's and WIP's

After the excitement of the Let's Get Acquainted Blog Hop post yesterday it is back to normal service today, and a reality check with WIP's.

Not wanting to fall behind again on the In Color Order HST BOM, I set to yesterday to rattle up the July block. Just when I think though that I am finally getting the hang of these HST's I discover that although the points were perfect I had managed to sew the third row on the wrong way round! How unfair was that? Needless to say the points on that row never achieved the same level of perfection second time around :)

Although I have already completed the two Dresden Plate blocks for this month's Craftsy BOM, I really enjoyed putting together the modern interpretation and with the leftover material from the blocks managed to put together another two plates.

I haven't decided yet what to do with them, so any suggestions would be much appreciated.

I have also been pattern testing an embroidery pattern for Rebecca at Sew Festive Handmade and although I can't show you the finished embroidery just yet I can give you a sneak peek. The pattern will be on sale on Craftsy in early August, so I will be able to show you the whole thing then.

Only one of the above projects was actually on my WIP list, so it is not much improved I am afraid.

Completed projects

  • Shades of Green, Fleur Bleu, Checkered Heart, Orange, Sunflower and Reindeer cushions
  • Orphan Block needle roll, Pieced Arc Tea towel, Purse and 
  • Padded Hangers  and Key/Coin tidy tutorials posted
  • Sunflower and Sew Happy QAL quilts, Play mini-quilt challenge quilt 
  • Patchwork Block, Dragon and Fashionista Bags

  • 7 blocks of In Color Order HST BOM 
  • (Almost) Irish Chain quilt basted
  • 8 Zakka-style SAL projects completed
  • Teatime quilt pieced, backed and basted 
  • 5 blocks of NY Beauty QAL completed and fabric cut for remaining 5 blocks
  • 14 blocks of Craftsy BOM completed (on schedule)  
  • In the Bag Ugly Fabric challenge fabrics arrived still waiting for inspiration!
  • 6 Summer Quilt Bee blocks completed (one month ahead!)
  • 1 Star of Africa Bee block completed and sent
  • Sew Festive Handmade embroidery project 

  • Indigo and violet rainbow cushions
  • Last block of Sampler quilt
  • Amy Butler bag
  • Christmas mini quilts
  • Practically Paper Piecing Blog Hop project 

Maybe it is not looking so bad after all!  Looking forward to seeing how everyone else is progressing.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday  and We Did it Wednesday


  1. Oh your points still look pretty fab!! Don't just hate having to unpick seams!

    I think the Dresdens would lend themselves beautifully to cushion covers.

  2. The Dresdens are gorgeous, a lovely colour too.

  3. I swear HSTs are my nemesis! Not backwards particularly, just out to get me in general ;o) You're look damn good anyway!

  4. Have you seen the online dresden competition? It's hosted by the Salt Lake City Modern Quilt Guild, but they do have a category that is more traditional:

  5. Your dresdens look so pretty! I love the colors. I was going to suggest the EZ Dresden Challenge too. I'm hoping to get something done in time for it myself. Link-up is September 1-6.

    Beautiful embroidery too.

  6. You have been busy! Love those modern wheels, I still need to do my July blocks -- still have 6 days right ;) I would make a round pillow out of them one for front and back or make a pair. Great job!

  7. I love the embroidery peek! And I think you should whip something up to enter in the Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild's challenge! I'm on the board and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

  8. These are beautiful. Your Dresden blocks are so pretty!


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