Saturday, 18 January 2014

Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew

Welcome to the first of our monthly Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew Link Parties.

Every month on the 18th Paula from Mud, Pies and Pins and I will be encouraging you to get ahead for Christmas. We have also lined up a great list of guest hosts to cajole, encourage, inspire and reward you. There will be tutorials for a whole host of decorations and gifts to inspire you along the way, and if that is not enough there will be giveaways too! Look out for great giveaways from these lovely sponsors in the coming months.

                      BustleandSew                                       Photobucket 

This months giveaway is not one but two sets of patterns from Quiet Play's extensive pattern store on Craftsy.
My Photo

The Ornamental and Sew Seasonal Bundle includes 25 patterns, so is definitely an ideal one to start early. There are 12 rotary cut Ornament patterns by Alyce at Blossom Heart Quilts and 13 paper-pieced patterns from Kristy at Quiet Play. To be in with a chance of winning the pattern bundle all you need to do is link up a Christmas project made and blogged about this month to the Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew Link party. The Link Party will remain open until the end of the month so you have plenty of time left to get your project finished.The winner of the pattern bundle will be drawn randomly from the links posted.

If you are looking for a quick gift how about one of the Infinity Scarf patterns that have been circulating recently?

Infinity Scarf

I made this one from a lilac wool fabric for the exterior and a purple/lilac cotton for the lining. The free pattern is available here One Christmas gift ticked off the list already and it isn't even the end of January!!

If you have resolved to trim your tree with handmade decorations this year you need to check out January's Link Party, which is hosted by Paula at Mud, Pies and Pins Paula is sharing her tutorial for some neat Christmas decorations that will not only help you use up some of those left-over snippets of fabric, but will also have you feeling quietly smug when December rolls around :)

So what are you waiting for head on over to Mud, Pies and Pins and get linking !

By Stephanie Lynn

 Show & Tell Thursday's


  1. Hmm, as I'm already 2 days late on a birthday pressie, I'd best tackle that first before I get disowned ;o)

  2. I love the idea of planning ahead and making gifts in advance. Whether I'll be able to do that in reality is another matter! But I'll try. The scarf looks like an ideal gift. I tried to pin it but it wouldn't let me. Looking forward to your future posts. Maggie xx

  3. It is cool idea to start this early but no idea what to make yet.

  4. A hooded towel is on my To Do list for this month - I need to get cracking - it'll be my first Christmas gift completion :D

  5. That scarf looks great. I'm off to check my liberty stash for full width pieces that might work.

  6. Great idea to start holiday sewing early. Lovely scarf too!

  7. What a wonderful idea to start early all the holiday sewing. Your scarf is lovely I love the colors you chose . Someone is going to be very happy to receive such a beautiful gift.

  8. On my way over now to check it out :) This is going to be a great year!

  9. Great scarf! I'll go and check out those decorations :)

  10. Such a great idea to get people inspired to get ahead!! Great scarf and well done for making a start!

  11. what a wonderful idea. christmas in march. i need some encouragement with planning for christmas. thank you.


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