Sunday, 13 October 2013

Q4 FAL - a list of hopeful finishes!

Leanne is doing a wonderful job of marshalling all of the FAL followers, with timely reminders to the tardy to get their lists for Q4 submitted.

she can quilt

So, scraping in before the deadline here is my list of projects that I would love to have completed before the end of the year.

First up, naturally, is the HST BOM quilt that didn't quite get finished by the end of Q3.

HST BOM Quilt top

If nothing else is finished this quarter, I am determined that this will be!

Second, another carry forward from Q3, the Craftsy BOM quilt top.

Craftsy Catch up

I would like to give my son and daughter-in-law the completed quilt as a Christmas present, so that is an added incentive to get this one finally done and dusted.

The third project on the FAL list is more urgent than a Christmas gift, as it is a housewarming present for my son and his fiancee, and we are going down to visit them at the end of the month :)

A while ago, I took part in a text fabric swap and this wine bottle fabric was one of the fabrics suggested for the swap. The swap was for charm squares, so this fabric was deemed to be too large a scale to be included, but I knew that it would be ideal for a project for my son, who works in the wine trade. The lovely Swedish Scrapper who posted the fabric suggestion, unbeknowns to me, arranged for a fat quarter to be included with my swap package, which was a wonderful surprise. So, I really need to do something with it to recognise Lizzie's fabulous generosity. I have the perfect project from my Pillow Pop book too, so there really is no reason why this can't be done in time!

Fourth on the list is another long-standing project from last year's Zakka SAL, the house pouch.

I had decided to change the original pattern about a bit, and incorporate some embroidery but as you can see that didn't get very far :) So with the winter nights coming in, what better project to have on hand than some dainty embroidery!

The fifth project on the list is also a bag, but this time a proper handbag size bag. A while ago I entered a competition at uhandbag's blog to name a new bag pattern and win a kit for the bag. I suggested the name of the bag could be the Arc Angel Tote, and Lisa picked that as the winner. The kit, however, has been sitting in my sewing room gathering dust since then.

Having named the bag, it seems a shame not to actually have one, but hopefully that will be remedied this quarter!

My sixth and final finish for Q4 will, hopefully, be the wallhanging I have been paper-piecing monthly with Quiet Play's BOM

And Sew On BoM Button[3]
I have the last block of 9 left to paper piece (the photo below only shows 7 blocks as I haven't taken any photos of them altogether since I made the 8th block). Then I need to decide whether I am going to put them together as a quilt/wallhanging or perhaps make several smaller projects out of them instead. Decisions, decisions :)

So, there you have it, my roll call of projects for Q4. Some big, some little, some nearly finished, some a long way from being finished. If I manage a 50% finish rate as I did in Q3, then at least 3 of these will be off the WIP list and that will definitely make me happy :)

There is, of course, coming up the small matter of Christmas to contend with but that is another list entirely!

Voting has now closed and I will be posting the details of the winners on Tuesday, so be sure to check and see whether you are one of the lucky winners.


  1. This is a lovely list. I especially love those blue blocks from your Craftsy BOM. The colours are beautiful. I am glad you are part of the FAL.

  2. Brilliant list! Can't wait to see that bag.
    I added my And Sew on Bom blocks to my this list this morning!!! as I forgot them and that it should be finished by the end of the month! I hope it wasn't to late or cheeky!!!

  3. Go, Fiona, go!! Here's hoping for a strong fourth quarter finish!!!!

  4. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with these x

  5. Lots of lovely things on the go, just the incentive you need to get them all finished on time.

  6. Good luck with your list - lots of lovelies!!

  7. How do you stay organised with so many projects on the go at the one time??? I love the brown colours and design of the finished quilt... and is that snow I can see in the background? Looking forward to seeing what you make with the wine bottle print... not sure why, but text fabric appeals to me, no matter what the text.

  8. great list - looking forward to seeing them completed over the next weeks and months :-)

  9. Lots of great projects to keep you busy there, Fiona! Looking forward to seeing what you do with your And Sew On... blocks. :)

  10. Well you're certainly going to be busy, good luck with working through your list. I look forward to seeing all your finished goodies.

  11. Oh wow, what a list. Really nice projects on the go. Good luck!

  12. Good luck with the list, looking forward to seeing what you do with those bottles (hope they don't drive you to drink ;o) )

  13. Gosh , what a list!!! Hope it goes well!! How lovely to be gifted such a perfect fabric! Aren't quilters lovely people


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