Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Creating a quilt from a photo - Selecting fabrics with the Palette Builder

The Holiday Memories Mini Quilt Competition is underway

For some prospective entrants (Benta I am thinking of you!) who had the holiday of a lifetime this year picking a memory to choose to represent in a mini quilt is fairly straightforward. For others the memory will choose itself when the photos are viewed.

Either way how do you translate the photo you have into fabrics for a mini quilt? Well, if you haven't come across it before, the help you need is freely available in the Palette Builder available at Play Crafts.

Anne from Play Crafts has this to say about the Palette Builder tool

"At Play Crafts, we're committed to making design tools that are easy,
intuitive, and most of all, fun to use. We feel that every person has
a creative vision, and we want to design tools that help that vision
come to life. Palette Builder is our first tool, and it is designed to
help people find color inspiration from their favorite photos. With
the recent addition of Kona matching, it's now even easier to
integrate your color inspiration into your quilt designs!"

With the Holiday Memories Mini Quilt Competition in mind Anne has written a tutorial for newcomers to the Palette Builder, which is available here

Looking through my Norwegian Cruise photos I came across this one that I had taken to remind me of the wonderful colours of the painted wooden houses.

Uploaded to the Palette Builder I have the palette of colours I need to look for in fabrics and if I am so inclined a shopping list of Kona cottons to boot :)

So what are you waiting for? Look through your photos, check out the tutorial, play about with the Palette Builder and then rummage in your stash or get shopping!

Check the link at the top of the page for all of the details of the Competition, including the great prizes up for grabs

I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Have fun :)

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  1. Is it wrong to admit that that quote totally distracted me because it's in the shape of a bath tub? Anywho, I have an idea for something that I shall try to figure out how to wangle into this ;o)

  2. HAhaahahahahaha I'm laughing at Katy's comment, it totally IS a bathtub! Glub glub!
    Thanks so much for featuring the palette builder! <3 Your photo and colors are so rich and yummy. :D

  3. Thanks so much for the link to the Palette Builder. Just had a quick look and it appears like a REALLY useful tool for a lot of applications!!!

  4. oooh, im off to stalk the tutorial as I've not got very far with mine. the cottage you've taken looks just like my granddad's

  5. Katy has been watching too much TV!


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