Wednesday, 6 March 2013

A low-fat quilt diet!

Working on my Bee blocks has fallen by the wayside recently but as we are now in a new month it is time to get to grips with a whole new set of challenges.

Fortunately February in the Star of Africa  Bee is my turn to receive rather than send so that means I am only 1 month behind still. As ever with the Star of Africa blocks the difficulty is getting what is in my head into a block but I have a plan, which I hope to share you with you soon!

The blocks for the Sunday Morning Quilts Bee , however, are at first glance much more straightforward. In theory, the blocks should all be pieced from my stash but in practice that is not quite so easy. This month I was asked to make a slab block for the Missing U quilt from the book in cream fabrics. Patently I am not a cream person as I had next to no cream fabrics in my stash. My fridge would tell a different story! Fortunately I now live within easy distance of a Quilt Shop, so one quick trip and several pounds later (because those bargains will always come in handy!) and I now had cream fabric :)

Which meant that I could make this

The second block request for the Bee didn't involve any shopping at all as I was asked to make an entirely scrappy block for the Scrapper's Delight quilt from the book. In some ways it was harder to put together as with the cream block there was no agonising over whether the placement is right or the values evenly spread, but maybe that is just me overthinking it!

Two very different blocks, which is I guess part of the fun of being in a Bee!

With these blocks completed and my package for the Modern Scrappy Bits Swap in the post

This is what my WIP list looks like now

  • In Color Order HST BOM - Top Completed
  • (Almost) Irish Chain quilt basted
  • Tsatime quilt pieced, backed and basted COMPLETED
  • 5 blocks of NY Beauty QAL completed and fabric cut for remaining 5 blocks
  • 14 blocks of Craftsy BOM completed (way behind schedule) 
  • Sunday Morning Quilt Bee blocks received
  • Sunday Morning Quilt2 Bee blocks sent (on schedule)
  • Star of Africa Bee blocks completed and sent (1 month behind schedule now!)
  • Friendship Bag Swap - Bag made ready to be filled COMPLETED
  • Modern Scrappy Bits Swap 3rd Round COMPLETED
  • Triple Zip A Long pouch  COMPLETED
  • Curved Seams Challenge signed up COMPLETED
  • And And Sew On BOM - first block completed (one block behind schedule)
  • Just my Type paper-pieced block  COMPLETED
  • Everything but the Kitchen Sink SAL - 2nd block designed ready to be sewn
One of these days I am going to get around to that Craftsy BOM quilt!

Linking up to

WIPWednesday  and Quilter in the Closet


  1. Oh I so know about bee block shopping! My first bee, when I'd been quilting, err, less than a month, was from my own stash, but of course I didn't really have a stash then, so they had to make do with what I could get locally, which was sometimes rather dodgy...

  2. I am a month behind on my Bee blocks too - have done March's as it was nice and easy but still umming and aahing about Feb's because we can do what we like within a theme. My Bee month is June - I should start thinking about it now or everyone is going to have a month off!

  3. I admire you for committing to Bee blocks... I used to do a lot of block swaps but all they did was turn into lots of UFOs! Maybe once I get caught up with those I'll try a few again. I love looking all the different ones on blogs in the meantime.

  4. Oh, lucky girl living within easy distance of a quilt shop!!! Perhaps it's fortunate that I don't...

  5. Great looking blocks Fiona! I have plenty of cream products in my fridge too, but barely any cream fabrics in my stash.

  6. Wow, that is a big list, but looks like you are making great progress.

  7. just keep going the list will get smaller ............not much cream here either

  8. The blocks look great!
    I'm just the same with scrappy placement, I just can't do random and over think every fabric!!!

  9. You are making great progress! Lots of crossings off! I love the scrappy block - but then I think I'm a more clashing bright colours girl than a cream one! I have no sophistication.

  10. Love all the scrappiness! I made three scrap quilts last year and still have an abundance of scraps!

  11. You seem to be very very busy! Nice projects!

  12. I love the bright scrappy block. I'm not so keen on cream either but I think those low volume blocks look fab once you get lots of them sewn together. I haven't forgotten your bee block, btw, but I was wanting to make a half tile hung house because they are traditional here in Sussex and I haven't managed to work out the logistics! Maybe we should be called the 'over thinking bee'! :)


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