Friday 27 January 2017

Straight from the stash

I have been stitching up more tiny tapestry brooches for my EG branch tabletop sale next month.

So, these two brooches have been added

and I now have this little collection to take to the next meeting.

I particularly wanted some 'silver' frames for my brooches as I had some odds and ends of threads from the GOT Hardhome Embroidery that I wanted to use up. I hunted high and low on the internet and couldn't find them for sale anywhere. Fortunately the generous Emma at Ann's Orchard Needlework was willing to part with three from her carefully hoarded stash, so I was able to put those thread ends to good use. Thanks Emma!

The 'gold' tone frames are from Tina Francis Tapestry again. 

In my haste to get these finished I am afraid that I got a bit too scissor happy :(

I trimmed this tiny tapestry without measuring it against the frame and discovered to my horror that I had trimmed it too far! Which absolutely serves me right for not checking I know. Fortunately I have some squares of canvas left so I am planning to stitch this to the larger square and then trim that back. I think that will work, don't you?

I found some kilt pin brooch blanks in a box and decided to have a go at doing something with them for the sale too.

You can't see it very clearly in the photo, but the centre of the medallion charm is fabric mod-podged (is that a verb?) to the charm and then covered with a clear cabochon. The lace is another piece of the antique lace handed on by my mum, and that cute pincushion charm is from my stash of charms from Nicole de Bruin. I cannibalised an old earring for the rest of the beads on the brooch, so this is very much a project from my stash!

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. The brooches are very pretty. I have a kilt pin with a few things dangling but I think I need to add some lace- that's a fab idea!

  2. Oh I think it'll be fine to stitch the tapestry to a larger piece - that was exactly the thought that popped into my mind as soon as I read that you had trimmed generously - I'm sure it'll be fine -- they're all very sweet!

  3. delightful brooches and the kilt pin has worked very well too, I am sure they will all be snapped uo at the embroidery sale

  4. Beautiful brooches and I know the feeling of having been over zealous with the scissors but it sounds like you've worked out a perfect solution!

  5. I love your tapestry brooches! I'm pretty sure Golden Hinde do these brooch frames. I bought round ones from them at the knjtting and stitching shkw and i'm sure i saw square ones and triangular ones too

  6. These are lovely, Fiona! Cloudcraft has frames too.

  7. Your cross-stitched brooches are lovely. And I really like the kilt pin brooch.

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party. Aloha hugs!


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