Tuesday 25 February 2014

New to Me in February

It's the 25th of the month, which means that it is time to look back on February to see what we have tried that is New to You this month.

Maybe it's because February is a short month but it feels that I haven't tried out very much that is New to Me this month. I have, however, a big (to me anyway!) new activity to report!

Visit Celtic Thistle's Craftsy Pattern Store »

I have opened a Craftsy Pattern Store!!! At the moment there is only one, free pattern in the store so I am certainly not going to be making my fortune from it :) Still, I have wanted to write up a pattern for this Luckenbooth applique for a long time, so I am thrilled to bits to have finally done it. I am even more thrilled that 90+ Craftsy members liked the look of the pattern enough to download it too :) I already have plans for the next pattern, I just have to get my head around the technology to get what I have in my head into pattern form!

Prague in Winter http://www.praguewelcome.cz

When you read this I will be experiencing my second New to Me activity this month as we have headed off to Prague for a few days. We have never visited Prague before so we are looking forward to exploring this beautiful city.

Now, it's your turn to link up what you have been trying out this month.

As ever please help to spread the word by linking back to this post in your post and/or adding the blog button to your sidebar.

Grab button for Celtic Thistle Stitches

<div class="Celtic-Thistle-Stitches-button" style="width: 125px; margin: 0 auto;">
<a href="http://celticthistlestitches.blogspot.com" rel="nofollow">
<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-2rU2K9XpL9U/UscnYPyA8DI/AAAAAAAACpI/r4qmgcoZpQg/s125/New%2520to%2520Me%25202014%2520graphic.jpg" alt="Celtic Thistle Stitches" width="125" height="125" />

Check out the other links and leave a comment along the way. The emphasis of this link party is to celebrate the trying of something new, whether it works out exactly as planned or not, so a little encouragement here and there would not go amiss! 

The link will remain open until 23.59GMT on February 28th, so if you have been inspired by the Winter Olympics or trying to escape the snow, floods or heat there is still time to try something new and link up and join the party :)

There is still time to link up to the Ho,Ho,Ho and on We Sew link party too

So, if you have made a start on your Christmas/Holiday gifts or decorations this month check out February's post and link here

All links will be entered into the random draw to win this great addition to your Holiday sewing library.

An eBook of Christmas patterns from Bustle and Sew, the perfect start to your organised Christmas crafting :)


  1. Yay for you for venturing into pattern making. Your first pattern is definitely a lovely one!! Wishing you safe travels; I would love to visit Prague one day and have a bloggy friend who lives close to there. :)

  2. Congratulations on the new store - that's a lovely pattern :)

    My "try something new" items were small bags of some sort - they're my favourite thing to make :D

  3. Congratulations on your new store. That is fantastic! The patterns is beautiful.
    Have a wonderful trip I hope you can share some photos of your time in Prague. It sounds very exciting.

  4. Oh fun! We have a lovely weather so I hope you enjoy your trip :-)

  5. best of luck with your craftsy store. I am sure you will have a lovely time in Prague, it is said to be a most beautiful city not that I have ever been but it is one of the places I would love to visit along with Norway. As it is mid week you shoild not be troubled by too many stae and hen parties from the UK!!

  6. Ooh, exciting about your Craftsy store - good luck! Have a fantastic time in Prague - it is beautiful.

  7. Congrats on your pattern store! Have a great time in Prague. I really recommend a visit to the WOW show - http://www.wow-show.com/en/ it's amazing :)

  8. Congrats on the pattern, hope you have fun in Prague!

  9. Enjoy your trip to Prague. We were there in 2000, and it was fascinating!

  10. Congratulations on the new pattern shop, how exciting! We went to Prague over the summer with the children and grandparents. I was a little worried about its reputation as a hen and stag party destination, but I can honestly say that it was absolutely beautiful, calm and serene. I'm sure you will fall in love with the city.

    1. Thanks Josie, we had a wonderful time in Prague without a hen or stag party in sight!

  11. Congratulations on opening a Craftsy shop and adding your first pattern! I've been thinking of opening one too but keep putting it off for fear that I won't be able to figure out the process.

    Have fun on your trip!

    I've been so busy working on my novel that all I've managed to complete this month is a small needlebook. I might try to get a bit of sewing done tomorrow.

  12. I really love this "new to me" idea! And congrats on your shop. Craftsy is new to me so I look forward to checking it out!

  13. Congrats on the beginning of your pattern making venture, Fiona and well done on the number of downloads so far. I don't think I've attempted anything new this month. Enjoy Prague.

  14. Oh congrats on the downloads! Hope you enjoyed Prague, I loved it


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