Saturday, 15 February 2014

After the storm

Is there anything better than walking along a beach after a storm?

Beach finds after a storm

Finding lots of sea glass for when I finally get around to making more jewellery :)

Linking up to

at Kettleboiler and Weekend Doings


  1. The sea glass is beautiful. That palette would make a lovely muted quilt.....

  2. wow, that fabulous colours. I agree with Rose ^^^

  3. Very pretty! It's still a bit fierce here so I'm sat inside sewing up a bag!

  4. Beautiful! I love collecting sea glass too, and my uncle makes jewelry with the pieces he finds.

  5. Jealous! I love walking on the beach picking up shells etc. Nice collection :)

  6. Oh I love sea glass, but we never get anything so beautiful on the south coast, mostly just milk cartons and unspeakables :(

  7. Love the sea glass, and can't wait to see the finished items when they are made.

  8. Glorious Sea Glass. Such lovely soft colors. Creative Bliss...

  9. How is the north-east weathering everything that's being thrown at the UK? I've got relatives in the South-West, so I know they are all struggling with rain and flooding, but I've no idea how the rest of the country is doing!! I know we're freezing our butts off ... but that's another story!

    Love the sea glass!

  10. I love the walking along beaches in Winter, all rugged up. Lovely colours of glass.

  11. so pretty!! how wonderful to live near a beach!! those pieces will make such pretty jewelry!!

  12. I used to live about 500 yards from the coast in N. Ireland. I loved it when all the summer visitors went home and the beach became wild in the winter. Exhilarating!
    It is so beautiful this morning in S. Wales. Frosty, still and bright. My heart goes out to all those struggling with the floods

  13. So gorgeous! Oh you make me miss the beach :)

  14. Wow, so pretty! I collected a lot of sticks after the last storm on the lake, the shapes and textures are beautiful...

  15. Nothing nicer than a winter beachcombing trip! Good haul :)

  16. These are beautiful! Great for jewellery or lovely just as they are :)

  17. so pretty. I have never found anything like that on a beach. Special :-)

  18. What a pretty bounty you found, I really like sea glass in jewellery

  19. Gorgeous haul, you'll have to post a price list when you've made your jewellery!!!!!!

  20. So beautiful Fiona! Great supplies for your jewelry making. I haven't found any sea glass at my local beach.

  21. I am so intrigued by sea glass....probably because I have yet to find some on a beach. Lovely lovely :) Janita

  22. Isn't it lovely? I look forward to seeing the jewellery!


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