Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Beeing happy and winning!

Well you certainly carry around a strange assortment of items in your handbags ladies! With the amount of cash found at the bottom of bags I think many of you need new purses and wallets as well as a new bag :)

Mr Random Number Generator has done his stuff and the winner of the Sew Sweetness pattern pack is

True Random Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 44
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

LindseyAnne22 February 2013 17:25
I love the bag. I once discovered the partially chewed leg of a Barbie doll in my bag when out for the evening. I think the dog rather than a daughter had done the chewing but I'm not certain.

LindseyAnne I will be in touch!

There has been lots of inspiring and fun link ups in this months

The link up will remain open for a few more days yet, so if you have tried something new this month link it up and inspire us!

There hasn't been much in the way of sewing done this weekend as a crucial rugby game in Edinburgh was in the schedule! Ireland v Scotland is always a tense game in our household with both sides equally represented in the family.  This year instead of shivering on the terraces though I was snuggly settled in front of this in Edinburgh.

A much cheerier outlook than 30 muddy men! It turns out too that the champagne was well deserved. For a change the Scottish side of the family were the happier at the end of the afternoon. and that wasn't just due to the champagne and cakes!
Another shot of cakes to whet your appetite :)

A pleasant surprise arrived in the post yesterday.
The October blocks from the SMQ Bee, which means I now have the full set!

These will, hopefully, now become one of my finishes this quarter in the FAL.

she can quilt

Fingers crossed.

So this is what my WIP list looks like now
  • In Color Order HST BOM - Top Completed
  • (Almost) Irish Chain quilt basted
  • Tsatime quilt pieced, backed and basted COMPLETED
  • 5 blocks of NY Beauty QAL completed and fabric cut for remaining 5 blocks
  • 14 blocks of Craftsy BOM completed (way behind schedule) 
  • Sunday Morning Quilt Bee blocks all received
  • Sunday Morning Quilt2 Bee blocks sent (on schedule)
  • Star of Africa Bee blocks completed and sent (1 month behind schedule now!)
  • Friendship Bag Swap - Bag made ready to be filled COMPLETED
  • Modern Scrappy Bits Swap 3rd Round Bag made ready to be filled
  • Triple Zip A Long pouch  COMPLETED
  • Curved Seams Challenge signed up COMPLETED
  • And And Sew On BOM - first block completed
  • Just my Type paper-pieced block  COMPLETED
  • Everything but the Kitchen Sink SAL - 2nd block designed ready to be sewn
Linking up to



  1. Oh I love your Bee blocks! So exciting that you have them all now - can't wait to see them all sewn up x

  2. I think even I could sit out an entire rugby game if I had those cakes and champagne in front of me :) Looks wonderful...

    Love your bee blocks. What a happy quilt you will have.

  3. The bee blocks look so great, they are going to make for a very cheery quilt! Those cakes are making me so hungry for sweets! :D I wish I had a cinnamon roll right about now!

  4. Your bee blocks look fab! Great to have a full set so you can start putting them together :)

  5. I love the bee blocks, so bright and cheery

  6. Oh I'd rather have been eyeing up the men. Actually I WAS eyeing up the men. This is the match that gets my split personality every year though - sad for Ireland, happy for Scotland


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