Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Blocks Away!

Well, I am on a roll now with my outstanding BOM's, so have been tackling the April, May and June blocks for In Color Order's HST BOM.

Tackling three different blocks at the same time didn't always go entirely to plan, as I ended up making too many of one combination of HST blocks and not enough of another! Still, that means now that not only am I up-to-date with the BOM, but actually ahead as I now have paired triangles already cut and sewn for July's block, now that makes a pleasant change.

I was wondering as I was making these blocks why I don't feel any real commitment to this BOM and I think it is because there is no (as far as I am aware) real community to this QAL. Reading Lynne's post today on setting up a virtual Quilting Bee it is clear that the friendships made in all of the online QAL's, Bees and SAL's are just as important, if not more important than the actual projects themselves and, somehow, for me at any rate this is missing in this BOM. Don't get me wrong I am enjoying the process of putting this quilt together, and looking forward to the final result, but it just feels like a part of the process is missing? Have you ever experienced anything similar?

Here are my 6 blocks to date anyhow

 Having fallen way behind on the Zakka-style SAL, it is next on my list of projects to crack on with this week. What a difference a week with no travelling makes! Thanks to Wendy I now have the magnetic sheet for the Itty-Bitty magnets, so have been reeling in horror at the size of those tiny pieces, when they say Itty-Bitty they really mean it!

As well as the magnetic sheet Wendy also sent me two lovely, handmade bag charms, and this one will, hopefully, be decorating one of the bags on my WIP list in the not-too distant future! The other one is already in use, hence no photo :)

All of the above means that I have made some progress this week on my WIP list, which is looking like this


  • 3 blocks of In Color Order HST BOM (back on schedule)
  • (Almost) Irish Chain quilt basted
  • 4 Zakka-style SAL projects completed (So many projects behind schedule!)
  • First border of teatime quilt completed, blocks calculated and fabric cut
  • 5 blocks of NY Beauty QAL completed and fabric cut for remaining 5 blocks
  • 12 blocks of Craftsy BOM completed (on schedule)  
  • Yellow rainbow cushion waiting to be appliqued  
  • Sunday Morning Quilts Sewing Bee - book in post
  • In the Bag Ugly Fabric challenge fabrics arrived, waiting for inspiration!


  • Indigo and violet rainbow cushions 
  • Star of Africa Sewing Bee
  • Last block of Sampler quilt
  • Amy Butler bag
  • Bag Making Bible Fashionista Bag
  • Dragon Bag
  • Christmas mini quilts 

Hope you are all having productive weeks too.

Linking up to  WIP Wednesday  and We Did it Wednesday .


  1. Yay! All of those blocks look so good together. I know what you mean about the BOMs. Sometimes the driving force isn't there even if you like the blocks. Maybe that's just part of pursuing something where you didn't choose each step of the process. Plus, you go into it knowing you're going to be working on it piece by piece on a monthly basis instead of sewing like a mad woman everyday so that you can see the finished product ASAP.

  2. Those blocks are looking great! I love how some have the light background and half have the yellow. I know exactly what you mean about the BOM. I dropped a couple a few months ago, partially to make room for other things I wanted to, but also because I didn't feel any real sense of community. It really does make a difference!

  3. Those blocks are looking great together. I really like the colour combinations you are using.

  4. Those blocks are really coming together nicely - they work well together.

  5. I just love the color arrangement in your quilt blocks....

  6. Your blocks are lovely. I have recently joined two bee groups and am enjoying getting to know other bloggers : ) Have fun

  7. The colours in the blocks work well, Fiona! There's something about the black that seems to tie it all together.

  8. Your blocks are looking great together!

    I think definitely part of the fun of a QAL or Bee is the friendships you make along the way!

  9. Love your choice of fabrics and coloúrs for the In Colour order BOM. What do you use; Luna Notte?

  10. I really like the colors that you've decided to use in this BOM. I keep looking at that BOM but remind myself I don't have the time required right now to even sit at the sewing machine. I've been quietly enjoying your travels and finishes while I finish the end of the year next week at school. I have actually finished the required blocks in the NY Beauty but haven't downloaded them yet to the computer. I received a walking foot for Mother's Day so that will be something that I need to learn how to do to finish some of these projects that I've jumped into with both feet. Can't wait to see what you finish next!

  11. I know what you mean. I actually feel that lack of community with the Zakka SAL. At first I made a point of going to every single blog linked up in the weekly linkies to comment, but noticed that very few of them were visiting me. The featured projects each week are from flickr, so maybe it's all going on over there but I'm not a fan of flickr at all and don't have time to get involved over there as well! This lack of community will probably end with me dropping out...

  12. WTG on this week's work. I have all those BOM blocks pinned, but haven't actually tried any yet, mainly because I haven't needed any yet, if that makes sense, but next time I have to do some HSTs, I'll check them out more then.

  13. Your blocks are really lovely :) I have yet to jump into a bee or QAL because I just don't know where to start! I can imagine it takes some of the fun away if you are not really engaging with other quilters. Still, your blocks are great!

    1. Thanks Krysta, I think it is less of a problem with smaller Bees and definitely my first QAL with Sew Happy Geek was a completely different experience, so jump in I say. Some will work and some won't but all of them will be an experience!


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