Wednesday 25 June 2014

New to Me in June

Welcome to another month of

Is it me or are these monthly link ups coming round faster every month?? Whatever the case I hope you have had a good and productive month, I can't wait to see what you have all been trying out this month.

I actually have a few New to Me activities to report on this month.

First up, my first ever baby quilt, which I am pleased to report has now been received and is in use.

Callum's Quilt

Then my rather less successful first attempt at improv chevrons :)

Fat Stash Brit Bee June block 1

However, if I just call it improv and ignore the fact that I was aiming for chevrons it starts to look fine!

More improv, this time embroidery for my first ever Embroiderers' Guild workshop

 And finally I had my first tutorial proposal accepted for publication on the Sew Mama Sew blog!

Completed bag garden

So, that's what I have been up to that was New to Me in June. Now it's your turn, as ever please help to spread the word by linking back to this post in your post and/or adding the blog button to your sidebar.

Grab button for Celtic Thistle Stitches

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Check out the other links and leave a comment along the way. The emphasis of this link party is to celebrate the trying of something new, whether it works out exactly as planned or not, so a little encouragement here and there would not go amiss! 

The link will remain open until 23.59GMT on June 30th, so you have plenty of time to try something new and link up and join the party :)


  1. Congratulations on having your tutorial accepted! And yay for the baby quilt being used. I love knowing my quilts are being snuggled / drug around / used.

  2. You are inspiring! June has been a whirlwind here.....yes where do the days go.

  3. You had a very productive New to You month - I especially love your quilt, and I'm glad it's getting used :) I know for a fact that every quilt we make, wants to be used and loved and dragged around - it's what they were made for, and what they deserve :D

    I got the kiddy binoculars I ordered from Amazon - now I can start my binocular bag from your tutorial, YAY! I have to figure out something though - along with the binoculars I ordered a magnifying glass - it's HUGE - about 12" long and 6" wide (at one end). It's so big it won't fit in the bag, but It's such a perfect accompaniment to the binoculars (especially for a 3 year old!) that I really want to work something out. Must put on my thinking cap!

  4. Brilliant New to You's this month!

  5. Lots of new and exciting things for you this month, Fiona.

  6. You have done loads of new things! I love your binoculars bag especially.

  7. As usual you have nice variety in your creating. Well done.

  8. Yes! The link ups are coming round faster and faster! I love your embroidery and boat quilt and your binoculars bag and block look great too :)

  9. you have been busy, baby quilt is lovely, chevrons are a learning curve, your embroidery piece is very nice and the bag I can think of lots of uses for, congratulations on getting it into print too

  10. yay for published tutorials!!! it was definitely a good one!!!

  11. Looking forward to seeing your tute on SMS and that's a really interesting piece from the Embroiderers' Guild workshop too :D

  12. Love your baby quilt! And Congratulations on the Sew Mama Sew blog future tutorial, THAT is HUGE!!

  13. You had a pretty good June :o)

  14. You've definitely had a very productive month. Lots of lovely firsts. Well done.


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