Monday, 21 January 2013

Snow Progress

Now if this isn't the perfect weather to stay indoors and snow I don't know what is!

So that is what I did :)

I have added the sashing to my In Color Order HST BOM quilt, but for reasons which are obvious from the photo I haven't ventured outside with it for a photo.

I did though venture outside (very briefly!) to take a photo of the strip I pieced for one of the February blocks in the SMQ2 Bee. That's right, February, I am going to be so ahead of myself next month I won't know what to do.

Jessica asked for strips of 40 2.5" squares, alternate white and print, to go towards the Checkerboard quilt that she plans to make from the book. So, I set too and cut out 20 white and 20 print squares.

Then I convinced myself that I had mis-read the instructions and that what she wanted was 40 white and 40 print squares, so I kept on cutting and sewing.

SMQ2 Feb block complete
And sewing! To end up with this. Needless to say I had been right the first time, so instead of 1 strip, Jessica will get 2. I am just glad that it was such an easy block to do and next time I will read the instructions several times.

The other block for February is for Kimmie, who asked for slabs of green in various sizes plus two charm squares in red, magenta or purple to make the Leaves and Vines quilt from the book. Thankfully, even I couldn't get the instructions wrong this time.

SMQ2 Bee Blocks Feb

As I am now so ahead of myself, I have joined two swaps - The Friendship Bag Swap and the next round of the Modern Scrappy Bits Swap and I may just have signed up for the Triple Zip-Along too!

I would hate to be bored if this weather is going to be around for a while :)

Linking up to BOM's away and the Let's Get Acquainted Link Up


  1. I'm tempted by the triple zip along. Good for you getting ahead of the game.

  2. I love that long strip of squares - it reminds me a bit of that scarf Dr Who used to wear!

  3. Hi! Stopping by from the Let's Get Acq. blog hop. Yes, quite brave to go outside in the cold:) And congrats on being so ahead of the game with your blocks - quite envious. Hmmm... Need to check out the tripple zip sew-along - have been wanting to make that for some time.

  4. :) you really did keep busy! I keep hoping we'll get snowed in here for a day or two, but all we've gotten so far is constant sleet. Can't wait to see your In Color Order HST quilt - I watched that come together on Jeni's blog with much mouth-watering! x

  5. Well that'll teach you about being over efficient ;o) Looks like a well spent day anyway!

  6. Oh that does look like perfect weather for sewing!

    Nice work getting ahead of the game with your February blocks!

  7. Always nice to stay in and sew on a snowy day. Always nice to see your pretty sewing. ThANks for sharing ... :) Pat

  8. Hehe :) THat's a lonnnng strip, and just the kind of thing I would do! And that's quite a bit of snow.

  9. Wow! you have been quite the busy bee!Perfect way to spend a snowy day. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your HST Boom quilt.

  10. You've got a lot going on, but it all sounds like fun to me! :)

  11. Wow, look at all that snow! I agree, might as well be sewing! And already marking off a February project! Good for you! Will look forward to seeing your HST BOM quilt!

  12. February blocks in January? Good for you! I love the picture of the strip swinging over the snow.


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