Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Hopeful Finishes

In line with my resolution to finish projects before starting new ones I am linking up to Leanne's 2103 Finish-a-Long at She Can Quilt.

she can quilt

When I listed out the projects that I would like to get finished this year I had over 20 of them, but in an effort to be realistic I have decided to list only 3 finishes for this quarter, in the hope that getting these done will spur me on to even greater efforts next quarter!

The Time for Tea Quilt that was originally meant to be for my mum's birthday last June! 

In Color Order HST BOM

In Color Order's HST BOM quilt which needs sashing and borders added

SMQ1 blocks

The SMQ Bee Block quilt from Round 1. December's blocks arrived yesterday (thanks Wendy!) but I am still waiting on a couple of the earlier blocks to arrive, and I want to add a couple of my own blocks to it to make it slightly bigger.

So there you have it my list of finishes for this quarter. There are a couple of big WIP's lurking in my cupboard, but they need working up to so will be put off (again!) for another few months :)

The next round of the SMQ Bee has started so in keeping with my new finish before starting attitude I have been knuckling down to get them out of the way before tackling the first block of Quiet Play's And Sew On BOM.

SMQ2 January Bee Block
Tangled Threads wanted a block of low-value strips with one bright red strip, so I hope this fits the bill.

SMQ 2 Bee block for Seaside sewing
Whilst Seaside Sewing asked for a slab in blues, aquas or teals to make the Splash quilt from the book. Hopefully, this will fit the bill too.

I don't think I have ever had my Bee blocks for this Bee in the post so early in the month before. Let's hope I can maintain this level of organisation for the rest of the year.

Linkng up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. These are going to be great finishes! I especially like the tea time quilt :)

  2. Popped over from the Finish A-long. Great line-up you have. Enjoy

  3. Great projects, I'm sure you are going to finish them you have started the year with a lot of energy. Looking forward to seeing the finished projects.

  4. Ooh the Time for Tea quilt looks lovely! Looking forward to seeing these projects finished!

    Love the sea themed Bee block - great colours!

  5. Your Mum will be thrilled when she receives her quilt and now you'll have it finished before her birthday this year.

  6. Finishing projects before starting new ones! What a great idea, but somehow completely impossible for me.

    I really love the palette in the Time for Tea quilt. It looks like you're really pretty close to finishing that one.

  7. Well done you! Could you pop round and organise me next!

  8. Great projects to finish. Setting a limit at 3 certainly makes it less overwhelming :)

  9. That list looks do-able (I must take lessons lol)

  10. Good luck with all your projects, looking forward to seeing them finished!

  11. I do like your HST BOM quilt top!! Looking forward to seeing it finished.


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