Friday 25 May 2018

All wrapped up

It seems like summer is already here on the West Coast of Scotland, so what better time to try something new than when the sun is shining and all is right with the world? (OK maybe that last bit isn't strictly true, but there are certainly more smiles around here when the sun comes out!)

So, welcome to another New to Me link party from sunny Scotland :)

 This month I went on a very muddy New to Me photo walk!

I unveiled my latest Endeavourers mini quilt, complete with New to Me bead embellishments :)

and I have made my first attempt at machine-wrapped cord.

I first saw this being done at the Paper quilting workshop I attended a few months ago and resolved to have a go at it then. Originally I hoped to add some to my Shoreline embroidery but just never got around to it.
If you are reading this wondering what on earth I am on about, the cords in the demonstration piece from the workshop above were made by stitching over cords several times with a machine zigzag stitch to create a tightly bound shaded cord for embellishment.

My first attempt was definitely not successful but then I dropped the feed dogs!

I started off with a length of bare cord, which I think might have been a bag handle at one time.

Then using these threads alternately in the needle and a light turquoise thread in the bobbin, I stitched up and down the length of the cord with a zigzag stitch. I struggled to pull the cord evenly through the machine, so the colours bunched in places but to my mind that only added to the effect.

As you can see the use of the different colours gives a variegated effect to the finished cord. I hope to use the finished cord in another seaside themed embroidery hence the colour choices.

So that is my New to Me for May, what have you been up to this month? If you have tried something new or been somewhere new then I would love to have you link up and join the party.

As ever the link party will remain open until the end of the month, so if you have tried out something new but not yet blogged about it you still have plenty of time left. Who knows perhaps your something new will inspire a fellow blogger to give a new technique a go?


  1. I don't think I tried anything new this month LOL I wish summer were here as well. Luckily, the snow that landed in New Brunswick and Newfoundland missed us here in Nova Scotia. whew

  2. like your machine wrapped cord, may have to try it

  3. What a difference in the cord. I have never seen that done - very effective.

  4. That is a very cool effect, Fiona! I could see technique making for some interesting bowls and baskets if you used the wrapped cord to make them.

  5. I've never seen machine zigzagged wrapped cord before, the effect is beautiful and such a gorgeous choice of colours!

  6. Great New to Me's. I love your Endeavourers quilt and the wrapped cord :)


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