Thursday 25 August 2016

New to Me in a new location!

Welcome to another monthly celebration of all things New to Me

The Link Party where we applaud the trying of new things whether they are ultimately successful or not.

My New to Me's this month have defintely been varied!

We have moved into our new home in Scotland so I have been enjoying beautiful sunsets like these right on my doorstep.

And this glorious old lady has been chugging past my door several times a week!

I have joined a new Patchwork and Quilting group too so will, hopefully, have some new projects to share as a result soon. Don't hold your breath though as the ratio of stitching to chatting is definitely skewed in favour of chatting :)

I have tried my hand at a sew-in purse frame for the first time,

and tried a New to Me method of constructing positive and negative nine-patch blocks courtesy of Generations Quilt Patterns, now that my sewing machine has finally been liberated from the box!

So that's my New to Me's this month, now it is your turn to share the highs and lows of trying out something for the first time. As ever please help to spread the word by linking back to this post in your post and/or adding the blog button to your sidebar.

Celtic Thistle Stitches

Check out the other links too and, maybe, leave an encouraging comment along the way. The emphasis of this link party is to celebrate the trying so a little encouragement here and there would not go amiss! 
The link will remain open until 23.59GMT on August 31st, so you have some time yet to try something new and link up and join the party :)


  1. Yay!!! You can sew on the machine again. What a beautiful view from your house, Fiona. Do you have a seat outside where you can watch the river traffic going past?

    Finally, I can join in 'New to Me' - my first time sewing selvedge fabric.

  2. What a great view! Hope it feels like "home"

  3. Great view - all the best in the new home!

  4. Wow, that looks like a fantastic view!

  5. Welcome home :-) Much happiness to you!

  6. Happy New Home Fiona, looks like you have picked a good one, sounds like you are well settled already.

  7. What a fantastic view! Hope you get settled into your new home really quickly.

  8. That looks like a wonderful place to live. I'm glad you've found a friendly new sewing group :)


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Anonymous comments have been disabled due to the level of spam comments I have been receiving lately, sorry!

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