Monday 25 July 2016

Tiny Togs and Tall Mountains - New to Me in July

Welcome to this month's New to Me Link Party

Where we celebrate trying out something new whether it has been successful or not :)

I have had very different New to Me's this month

Three New to Me's are all wrapped up in this tiny t-shirt.

My first attempt at clothes making, my first time sewing with knit fabric and a New to Me pattern maker Brindille and Twig

I enjoyed making this so much that I have already made another one :)

I have also visited a New to Me country

On our trip to the South of France we were within striking distance of Andorra, nestled between France and Spain, so we took the opportunity to tick another country off our list. In fact, that day we had breakfast in France, lunch in Andorra, afternoon coffee in Spain and then dinner back in France! That might not be so easy to do in a couple of years when the full effect of Brexit kicks in, so we thought that we had better take the chance whilst we still could :)

So that's my New to Me's this month, now it is your turn to share the highs and lows of trying out something for the first time. As ever please help to spread the word by linking back to this post in your post and/or adding the blog button to your sidebar.

Celtic Thistle Stitches

Check out the other links too and, maybe, leave an encouraging comment along the way. The emphasis of this link party is to celebrate the trying so a little encouragement here and there would not go amiss! 
The link will remain open until 23.59GMT on July 31st, so you have some time yet to try something new and link up and join the party :)


  1. Sounds like you travelled vast distances, when in reality you didn't. You are on a roll with baby sewing.. Looks great!

  2. Lovely finish Fiona! Great work with sewing knits. They are super cute.

  3. Such cute finishes. Gives me courage to try some clothes sewing... One day!

  4. I just popped over at reading the link on Lena's site. I LOVE your idea of celebrating trying new things! I think there should be more encouragement to stretch ourselves than to just get something done.

    Lovely work done on your little shirts. I will say I always find getting that lap shirt neckline to lay right is hard work. So easy to stretch it at the top of the sleeve area if you're not careful, but yours look super!
    Hope they are well loved for their comfort and cuteness both.


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Anonymous comments have been disabled due to the level of spam comments I have been receiving lately, sorry!

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