Sunday 25 May 2014

New to Me in May

Welcome to this month's link up for

where we celebrate the trying of something new whether it was successful or not!

This month I have had a go at a new method of paper-piecing, well new to me anyway :)

Paper-piecing on stabiliser is certainly something I had never tried before and I am pleased to report that it seems to work!

Well, those points are much neater than anything I have achieved in the past.

I have also been trying out a new to me method of quilting on a quilt for my brand-new great nephew. I read Benta's recent post on her method of quilting as you go and was intrigued, so when I came across a pattern in a magazine for a baby quilt using a similar method I thought that I would give it a go.

The quilt top was pieced in strips, then instead of joining the strips together before layering with the wadding and backing, the strips were placed right sides together on the wadding and backing and stitched with a 0.25" seam. The strips were then pressed open and the next strip joined in the same way. It was a very quick way to put together a quilt top I can tell you.

So quick in fact that the top is pieced and quilted and ready to be bound in less than 2 days, which I realise is not that quick for many of you, but believe me that is very quick for me! It helped that my husband was away and youngest son was at work, so I had the house to myself too :)

So, that's what I have been up to that was New to Me in May. Now it's your turn, as ever please help to spread the word by linking back to this post in your post and/or adding the blog button to your sidebar.

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Check out the other links and leave a comment along the way. The emphasis of this link party is to celebrate the trying of something new, whether it works out exactly as planned or not, so a little encouragement here and there would not go amiss! 

The link will remain open until 23.59GMT on May 31st, so you have plenty of time to try something new and link up and join the party :)

Don't forget too, there is still time to add your link to the Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew Link Party too!

This month it is over at buttons and paint, you will love what Sian has done with some unwanted ties!

Looking forward to seeing what you have all been trying out this month :)


  1. I look forward to seeing the baby quilt, Fiona... I'm interested in how it was made. The points on your Mariners Compass look great to me.

  2. That is a quick finish! I've never tried putting anything together that way. Very interesting. Were there any issues with ripples or puckers on the back?

  3. I hadn't thought of using stabilizer for paper-piecing. I'll have to try that some time. I have, however done QAYG and loved it. It is surely easier to quilt a block or small quilt at at time than it is to wrestle a whole quilt with my sewing machine. Can't wait to see your baby quilt.

  4. I love QAYG quilting - I'm looking forward to seeing yours :) I finished a project today for the "New to Me" linky - it didn't work out as well as I hoped, but I think the next one will go better - I was really off on the scale so that will be corrected next time around :) I also got 2 Christmas presents done so will post them to the Christmas linky - I just need to get the projects blogged :D

  5. your points are so accurate, still not ventured into paper piecing, popped over and saw the instructions this sounds a quick way when working in strips.

  6. Your mariner's compass is really stunning! I'm sure I've done something new. I'll have a look later and link up :)

  7. I've been wanting to try "quilting as you go". Thank you for the encouragement and the link!

  8. You are so good in trying new things!

  9. i always admire all the new things you try!! i will be looking forward to hearing your thoughts after your QAYG is done. it always sounds good to me but then i the back still needs to be quilted somehow when the front is already quilted!!!

    1. Hi Gina, to clarify- with this method we didn't use any backing: so strictly it's not a quilt (three layers) it's a coverlet (two layers) - the fleece backing is cosy, and has just enough friction to stop it falling off a stroller/buggy, wheelchair or bed. Add to that it's much quicker and much cheaper!!!!!

  10. Those points are super sharp! Must try a Mariners compass some time.
    I like that method of quilt as you go, I can see that would make quilting really quick and easy.

  11. Thanks for the shout, I'm so glad it worked for you! I'll be interested in knowing which stabiliser worked best

    1. That's incredibly neat paper piecing, I love your colour choices too:-)

  12. wow - that was very quick for a quilt. The last time I tried QAYG it took me forever!! Love your paper piecing too - looks really accurate and precise :-)

  13. those are fabulous points! I still want a proper go at QAYG

  14. Quick is good! And that is speedy for me lol

  15. Very nice job on the paper piecing :) I Might have to try that. I am still in the learning stages of paper piecing. I can't say that it is my favorite kind of piecing. I have been trying the freezer paper method which I like for the no-paper tearing after you sew . I have the last 2 blocks of the Craftsy BOM to do.... which are Paper piecing. I have been procrastinating a bit :) Also yea for the speedy finish on the baby quilt! I'll take a finished quilt in 2 days. I have always been intrigued by the sew as you go.... another thing I need to try. Thanks for sharing. I have been trying to learn needle turn applique. I will try to link up with a post. Janita

  16. I've never even heard of paper piecing on stabilizer before. I am hoping to try the freezer paper method where you don't actually sew through the paper.

  17. That paper pieced block looks fabulous! I've never heard of paper piecing on stabilizer. How does it work?


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