Thursday, 14 November 2013

Sewing under the Sea

Last week we took a new route for our trip to France and travelled through the Channel Tunnel.

With nothing to do or see for 30 minutes what else can a girl do but get out the sewing kit?

So where is the strangest place that you have sewn?

Linking up to Really Random Thursday.


  1. Excellent! I am going to up my stitching game and find an interesting place!

  2. nowhere interesting - exotic maybe but not unusual!! You could be starting a trend here..

  3. That is certainly a very interesting and adventurous place to sew. My "unusual" place to sew is the car. I love when my husband drives and I sit on the passanger's seat stitching away.

  4. The dentist office. Not near as adventurous as you ; ) Were you nervous under the sea?

  5. I have not been over or under the Channel but coming back from the K & S show in Dublin where I was working a few years ago quite a few of us sat and stitched together, happy days.

  6. I can see you're laying down a challenge for us! Like Martha I sew in the car (when I'm a passenger that is ;) ) it makes the journey go faster.

  7. Watching the boys Kickboxing! It felt far too feminine to be doing in such a smelly male environment!!!

  8. We were in the first train ever to get stuck under the channel! Does a lighthouse count? ;o)

  9. Um, arctic circle? Think you are winning!


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