Monday, 10 September 2012

Tumbling Uglies

A long time ago, or so it seems I signed up for the In the Bag Ugly Fabric Quilt Challenge and duly received these fabrics in the post for my Challenge.

Well they have been hanging around waiting for inspiration to strike with very little result I have to admit. I have trawled through all of my books and quilting magazines looking for a pattern that might suit such a diverse set of fabrics. I tested lots of patterns in my head but nothing enthused me enough to get out the rotary cutter and start slicing up the fabrics.

I had thought that the final date for submissions of the finished quilts was the end of October so was happy that I still had plenty of time to finally come up with something. Well, you can imagine my horror when I re-read the challenge rules and discovered that the date was the beginning of October not the end! Cue a frantic search for something quick to do as we will be travelling a lot over the next couple of weeks and my time for quilting will be minimal  :)

Out came the EZ Dresden ruler and with the addition of a couple of fabrics from my stash this pile of blades were soon cut up to make a Tumbler quilt.

The rules of the challenge are that I must use 90% of the fabrics in the resulting quilt and this is all that is left of my Ugly Fabric.

Throughout all of my deliberations with this quilt the pink and blue flower fabric (just seen at the bottom left hand of the photo) has been the hardest to work into any arrangement, but I have decided to just go with it and hope it works.

So this is the arrangement I have decided upon.

I am calling it Flash of Pink!

I don't know if I will be able to get the entire quilt finished in time, but certainly hope to have the top pieced at least so that I won't have completely chickened out of the challenge.

Hope you have all had a great weekend.

Linking up to Manic Monday


  1. No wonder you found it so hard to combine the fabrics given you had to include the pink. You've done well!!!

  2. Oh dear god, you are a far, far better woman than I!

  3. Flash of Genius is more like it. Amazing job! I made the same mistake about the ending date, so I was scrambling too yesterday.

  4. Great job. They look pretty good now don't ya think?

  5. Given how...erm...challenged the set of fabrics are, I'm properly amazed that you have come up with something so pretty!

  6. I am impressed that you made these uglies work! Flash of pink is a perfect name for it!

  7. Well that is a,herm, unusual collection of fabrics, but you have done a great job with them, well done!

  8. You did such a great job putting these fabrics together! I like how you managed to incorporate the pink! Do you keep this quilt or does it go off to the person who sent you the fabric?

  9. OMG I see what you mean, but you made it work, certainly a flash of pink!!! so what happens now, do you get to keep the flash of pink?

  10. Wow! I'm loving that quilt layout :-) I've been organizing donated fabric at a local quilt shop for charity quilts, and this definitely give me hope for the misfit prints I've seen ;-)

  11. A very clever solution. The result is fabulous, despite the pink, that really doesn't combine with the rest of fabrics. I hardly have known what to do with it...


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