Sunday 25 September 2016

A very special New to Me!

Welcome to another New to Me link party. In my part of the world September is traditionally the month for starting new activities and taking up new hobbies, so plenty of opportunity for lots of New to Me's :)

In keeping with that New to Me feeling in the air I have joined a new patchwork group, who are making lap quilts for wheelchair bound local children. The final quilts will be 39" square and seemed to be the perfect excuse to use up some Bee blocks that have been hanging around my sewing room.

QH Quilt top 1

So, in no time at all here is my first quilt top for the group! Now that kind of speedy turnaround of a project is most definitely New to Me :)

I have enough blocks from thScrappy Trip Along Bee to make one and, perhaps, two more quilt tops so it looks like the Christmas deadline for the quilts will be a breeze to meet!

You have already seen my New to Me recycled shirt quilt

 but I forgot to show you the back of the quilt.

I used a cute bunny flannel that was in my stash. It was the first time that I had used flannel to back a quilt, but it was straightforward to stitch up so I will definitely be using it again. If I had more to hand I might have used it to back the lap quilt for the charity group, but I don't so I will have to see what else I can come up with.

Of course, our most special New to Me this month was this gorgeous little man!

We are heading back down his way for more cuddles soon, and can't wait to see him!

So that's my New to Me's this month, now it is your turn to share the highs and lows of trying out something for the first time. As ever please help to spread the word by linking back to this post in your post and/or adding the blog button to your sidebar.

Celtic Thistle Stitches

Check out the other links too and, maybe, leave an encouraging comment along the way. The emphasis of this link party is to celebrate the trying so a little encouragement here and there would not go amiss! 
The link will remain open until 23.59GMT on September 30th, so you have some time yet to try something new and link up and join the party :)

If your New to Me involves a Christmas or Holiday make then don't forget to link it up at this month's Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew Link Party over at Sandra Sews :) You could be the lucky winner of this great pattern!

Looking forward to seeing what you have tried this month.


  1. Finishing a quilt in no time at all would also be a new to me experience. My daughter looked at me cross eyed this week when I told her I was working on a pattern that I have wanted to make for probably 10 years. What's the matter with me ??? I am slow as molasses! Decided this month I was going to take time and sew a little something to celebrate my birthday. I find I am usually sewing something for someone else. I told her life happens and sewing is not always at the top of the list. Though I have decided things are going to change. I'm trying to incorporate this motto, "A Stitch Everyday". I guess that is NEW to Me : ) Your little quilts will surely bring JOY to all who receive them. Hoping to cut some fabric for a log cabin quilt for my little ones this week. Another quilt I have been wanting to make for a while! Happy Sewing Janita

  2. what a good idea quilts for the cairboind youngsters. Nothing new to me to share with you but will enjoy seeing what ohers are up t. Congratulations on the new edition to the family, with being absent from blogland for a while I must have missed the arrival

  3. Fiona, that little grandson of yours is so adorable! I'm sure you're enjoying soaking in all the cuddles you can :)

  4. He looks so content - the best 'new to me'. Love the quilts, too.

  5. Your recycled shirt quilt is beautiful - almost as much as your new grandson :-) I hope you have a super visit - what a lovely time for you.

  6. Oh congratulations on the new grandson! Can you zap me his name and your address? I have a half made something for him (that realistically may be sent for you to finish at that way he has a chance of getting it before he starts school!!!!)

  7. I would say that a new grandson is the BESTEST of new to me "projects" - I want to rub his sweet little head and maybe pinch his cheek. Just a bit, though - I don't want to wake him up - he's sleeping so peacefully! Lovely quilts, too, although they're a bit overshadowed by His Nibs - which I'm sure you don't mind ;)

    I still haven't gotten 100% back to my sewing machine so I haven't finished much this month, but I did manage to do 2 new to me projects that I'm very happy with. I decided to make more Eunice and snowman bags - I'll tuck the snowmen into the Eunices (Euniceii? LOL), which will make perfect Christmas gifts for my sister and her 2 daughters! If I can get them done before the end of next week I can deliver them in person, and save a nice chunk in postage. I need to spend less time on the computer, and more time at my sewing machine!

  8. There he is!!! Congratulations!!! So so special!


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