Saturday 25 June 2016

Pastures New

It is the 25th of the month so time to celebrate all that is new in your world and mine!

This month my New to Me's have been very different to say the least.

First up,

We have packed our bags and left the NE of England after 25 happy years here. All our worldly goods and chattels (including most importantly my sewing supplies!) headed North and are currently resting, I hope, in a cavernous warehouse somewhere in Scotland!

We on the other hand are resting in the sunny climes of SW France. One day in the not too distant future (!) we will meet up and the next chapter in our lives will begin.

As anyone who has sold a house in England will know, it can be a tortuous process, so our R & R in sunny France has definitely been earned :)

Before we left the NE, I had time to enter this piece for the Capability Brown exhibition at Wallington Hall.

What I didn't mention in my previous post is that the piece is up for sale, definitely a New to Me experience! All exhibitors were given the chance to sell their pieces at the exhibition, with 25% of the asking price being donated to the National Trust. I have never sold any embroidered pieces before, and thought that I might never get the chance to have a piece viewed by so many potential purchasers again, so went for it. I have no idea whether it will sell or not, and I am quite happy whatever the result, but delighted to have the opportunity.

So that is my New to Me this month, now it is your turn.  As ever please help to spread the word by linking back to this post in your post and/or adding the blog button to your sidebar.

Celtic Thistle Stitches

Check out the other links too and, maybe, leave an encouraging comment along the way. The emphasis of this link party is to celebrate the trying so a little encouragement here and there would not go amiss! 
The link will remain open until 23.59GMT on June 30th, so you have some time yet to try something new and link up and join the party :)

If your New to Me involves some Christmas or Holiday crafting don't forget to link it up to this month's Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew Link Party here

You could be the lucky winner of these gorgeous screenprinted FQ's

courtesy of the lovely Lu at Summersville


  1. have a lovely time in France presume you have a new home yo go to when you get back to Scotland.

  2. You've well and truly earned your holiday in France, Fiona. Enjoy the warmth and the relaxation. Linking up a shirt quilt - my first not from quilting fabric.

  3. Good luck with the move, Fiona. I know how stressful it can be.

  4. I have several new to me projects for the month - I put on my big girl panties and got cracking on some projects I had wanted to do for a while! Have a wonderful time in France - a move is a big deal, but a move to a different country is a whole new ball of wax - wow! Have some adventures in France - you deserve it!

  5. How exciting! Looking forward to hearing about the new home!


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