Monday 18 April 2016

Tapestry Brooch Tutorial - Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew

Welcome to the April Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew Link Party.

The Link Party that aims to have you all organised with a cupboard full of handcrafted goodies by the time that December comes around :)

This month I am delighted to bring you a guest tutorial from Tina Francis, the creative genius behind such gorgeous makes as these colourful cushions,

and the driving force behind

Something we can all empathise with!

Tina has generously provided us with a tutorial for one of her lovely tiny, tapestries that can be made into a brooch or necklace like these. Aren't they great?

"You will need

12 count Interlock canvas
50 cm of each wool colour
A tapestry needle
Brooch finding (if using)

You can use tapestry wool or why not search in your wool stash for 4 ply, this project is about using what you already have so if you want to use the stitching for a card or gift tag (just attach it with stitch) then it does not matter what count of tapestry canvas you use.

These patterns are great scaled up and you can see from the images that they suit cross stitch too!"

 You can find instructions for the tent stitch used in the brooches here

The chart for the Inca pattern above can be downloaded here

If making a brooch, once you have completed the stitching from the chart trim the canvas so that is has a border of one canvas hole around the stitching. Place the trimmed stitching into the brooch front then push the back into place and fold down the flaps to hold the brooch back in place.

Tina has also offered either a Small Squares or Inca Pattern Booklet (£10), 2 goldtone brooch findings (£6.40), 12 count interlock canvas enough for all 7 brooch patterns in the booklet (£2.50), two John James Needles one size 18 and  one size 24, a small amount of wool to complete one brooch front as this month's giveaway prize. So, one lucky linker could be adding one of these lovely brooches to their Christmas gift stash!

The winners of last month's sewing themed charms were Melissa at Happy Quilting and Sally at Wonky Patchwork.

As ever the link party closes at 23.59 GMT on April 30th, so you have lots of time to get those projects linked up. No blasts from the past though, we are all about stockpiling throughout the year here so restrict yourself to links to projects you have worked on this month:)

Thanks again to our lovely giveaway sponsors who have been so generous in their support of the link party.


  1. very dainty little brooches, think I have a stash of canvas somewhere in the bowels of my workroom and know I have some thread so might have a go

  2. Fun little brooches. I especially like the bright one at the front.

  3. What a lovely idea. I especially love that brightly coloured brooch at the front, and I imagine these would also look wonderful stitched up in festive colours.

  4. They are adorable and a great tutorial!

  5. I'm in LOVE with those pillows (cushions) - so colourful and fun :) The brooches would be lovely pinned to a coat ... or to a purse! I agree that they would be lovely in festive colours :) I'm doing pretty good on Christmas sewing this month - two gifts are currently underway that I hope to have finished by the end of the month. In addition I've finished several zipper bags to tuck into my gift box, although these may be gifted before Christmas, if unexpected/last minute gifting occasions come up :D

  6. Love the cushions, and the brooches are pretty fab too!

  7. Been very remiss in the holiday makes this month - I did a bit of tidying and came across a fab holiday bundle I bought last year. I admired it and then restashed it - shame on me I must get going with it in May!


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