Wednesday, 3 April 2013

One quarter down three to go!

Although it seems like only yesterday when I signed up we have, apparently, reached the end of Q1 in the FAL. Where has all the time gone??

she can quilt
In my enthusiasm I had three finishes that I hoped to complete in this Quarter. Rather embarrassingly only one of them has actually been finished.
The three prospective finishes were
The Time for Tea quilt,

HST BOM Quilt top

The HST BOM quilt and
The Sunday Morning Quilts Bee quilt
And the only one finished out of these three is

The Time for Tea quilt!
The HST BOM is at least backed and basted, which is more than can be said for the SMQ quilt. Indecision is to blame for both of these still lurking as UFOs!
I was just going to make a couple of extra blocks for the SMQ quilt and piece them together randomly and then I saw the fabulous quilt that Kimmie made from her Bee blocks and indecision took over!
Needless to say I am also dithering about the quilting of the HST quilt, which is why it isn't finished either. Looks like my New Year's resolve to stop procrastinating needs a bit more work :)
All is not lost though as I have actually managed to complete this month's block for the And Sew On BOM and it is only the 3rd of the month! Now that is a record for me :)
If I manage to get March's block done this month too I will be back on track, that will be a good (and unusual feeling).
So my WIP list now looks like this

  • In Color Order HST BOM - Backed and Basted!
  • (Almost) Irish Chain quilt basted
  • Teatime quilt pieced, backed and basted COMPLETED
  • 5 blocks of NY Beauty QAL completed and fabric cut for remaining 5 blocks
  • 18 blocks of Craftsy BOM completed (only 2 more to go!)
  • Sunday Morning Quilt Bee blocks received
  • Sunday Morning Quilt2 Bee blocks sent (on schedule)
  • Star of Africa Bee blocks completed and sent (just about on schedule)
  • Modern Scrappy Bits Swap 3rd Round COMPLETED
  • Fancy Feet Challenge signed up COMPLETED
  • And And Sew On BOM - three blocks completed (back on schedule)
  • Everything but the Kitchen Sink SAL - 2nd block sewn
  • Crafty Cooks Apron and Recipe Swap  waiting for fabric to arrive!
  • Umbrella Prints Trimmings Competition entry  started   
 Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress.
Linking up to


Quilter in the Closet


  1. When you learn how to stop procrastinating, let me know.

  2. Fiona, you say that you procrastinate but really you are very productive. It's maybe that you don't always work to your plan ... but you're constantly making things! I think that creative things need time - your indecision just means you haven't had the right idea yet on how to complete something.

    OK - I'm great at excuses!!

  3. My favorites are the tea time quilt and the paper pieced scissors:)

  4. Time for tea is very sweet. I only finished one on my list too!

  5. Oh, you are so fast with And Sew On BOM, I myself haven´t downloaded the pattern yet. Yours looks great!

  6. Wow Fiona you have accomplished so much! Very impressive. I love all of your projects and the Time for Tea Quilt is one of my favorites.

  7. Oh well, there's always next month! I know what you mean about the quilting indecision though, maybe you need to 'eeny, meeny, mini, mo' it ;o)

  8. I think one out of three isn't bad, and just look at that fab scissor block you did instead. It is brilliant

  9. Wow, I love the scissor block!

  10. I really like your Time for Tea quilt. I'll bet it feels good to have it finished. And the scissor block it fantastic.

  11. A finished quilt makes a successful quarter in my book! Good luck on the decisions. It is not easy, when there are so many options!

    I love the scissors block and its cute background fabric!

  12. well I think you did a great job, well done for getting one of them done!

    And getting the Sew On bom block done so quick! I've just printed it out, but I'm not sure I'm going to have any sewing time this weekend...

  13. Well well done on the finish, and on the scissors. I am struggling with the tiny pieces on the thread spools, haven't even looked at the scissors other than to note even smaller pieces!


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