Wednesday 29 March 2017

Would you like chips with that?

Regular readers will know that I have been loving making up a menagerie of beadwork embroideries for our gorgeous grandson. So, I am sure that you will not be surprised to know that I couldn't resist the temptation of another kit when I came across Ann's Orchard Beadwork stand at the Knitting and Stitching show!

Now that we live on the seafront where seagulls are an ever constant, it would have been rude to pass up the chance to stitch up Chips the Seagull now wouldn't it? The seagulls on our seafront are so keen to avail themselves of the odd chip or three that day trippers brave enough to eat their fish and chips on the prom are warned not to feed the seagulls. Those gulls are not timid and have no compunction in diving at the unwary eater to snatch their fatty treats :)

With this kit finished I am running out of excuses to avoid tackling the third of my three challenges for Quilter in the Closet's 100 Day Challenge.

It took me a while to actually find the Craftsy BOM blocks, but find them I did and now I have to decide on the sashing and the borders. I am thinking that I will sash them in white and then add a navy border, as I think that navy sashing might be a bit much. I am also not sure that I have enough of the navy solid, so it might end up being white all the way! Either would be progress though :)


  1. Chips is cute ... and his namesake is yummy --- here in Canada chips are potato chips, and we call the snacks that Chips would grab ... french fries :D All are yummy and Chips would get a stern talking to if he tried to steal one of MY treats, lol!

  2. P.S. To answer your question, yes I *would* like chips with that, lol!

  3. the seagulls are getting so cheeky everywhere these days swooping on people and pinching chips etc, liking the drunkard paths quilt

  4. Very bold seagulls by the sounds of it.

  5. Very cute seagull. They are giving out about them here too and taking about deterrents! I finally got my 2012 Blocks into a layout I liked and have yet to quilt it so taking my time about it really!

  6. Cute little stitchery for your little one. To have a bird dive into my lunch would scare me to death! Seagulls look so pretty.... from a distance ! Looking forward to your BOM finish. My Craftsy BOM blocks are done but not put together and it is doubtful that it will be put on the front burner any time soon, so I'm going to live through your victorious finish! Janita

  7. Chips is very cute! Nice namesake :)


  8. Chips is a very cute little seagull :) Little grandson will have quite the collection of animals!


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