Saturday 25 March 2017

Stitching New to Me's

Welcome to this month's New to Me Link Party, where we celebrate the joys of trying new things whether we are successful or not!

I have several New to Me's this month the most exciting of which was seeing this at the Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia.

Hardhome Embroidery
When I discovered that this would be at the show and my husband was going to London for a friend's retirement party the same weekend, wild horses couldn't have stopped me piggybacking the trip :) I had thought that I would never get to see the complete embroidery in real life, so was beyond thrilled to be able to see it for myself. Apologies for the photo the piece was in a corridor between two stalls so it was impossible to stand back very far for a photo. Despite standing there for a while I never got the chance to say "I did a bit of that!" :( Second from the top on the left side in case you are wondering. I think this will be the only time that I ever see something that I have made on display at a national exhibition, so you can see why it is my most exciting New to Me :)

My second New to Me is also to do with stitching. I recently went to an EG Trapunto Quilting workshop, which as you can see above I didn't get very far with. However, I did try out a New to Me stitch, Double Herringbone Stitch aka Italian Herringbone Stitch, for one of the areas that will eventually be quilted. The Trapunto is similar to Boutis although much more colourful!

My final New to Me involved tangling with the Beast again. I decided to change the threads for my next lot of stitching on the serger, which turned out to be a very bad idea! The tension went completely to pot as you can see. Fortunately this video on You Tube filled in the gaps in the manual and we were soon good to go. 

All set to tackle a t-shirt for the boy :)

So, that's my New to Me's now it is your turn to link up and celebrate the trials and tribulations of trying something new and, of course, encourage and support your fellow bloggers who have moved out of their comfort zones this month too. As ever the link party will remain open until 23.59 GMT on March 31st, so if you are thinking of trying something new this month but haven't yet here is the nudge that you need. Grab the link party button and take the plunge! Check out the linkers and give them some blogger support for their endeavours too.


  1. That's great you were able to get the serger working. After making this top, I want a serger. I'm always afraid to try new things, but know I need to try new things and always discover they are not as bad as I think are.

  2. I do hope the K & S show organisers bring the large embroidery to Harrogate in november as I wold love to see it in all its glory and say I know someone who helped make that! loving your embroidery stitching you are certainly getting a lot out of embroidery techniques. Good to read the serger is working well, if you do not get it threaded up exactly right it does mess up the stitching

  3. The Hardhome embroidery looks amazing, I'm so pleased you got down to London to see it in all its finished glory!

  4. I'm sure you learn something new every time you sit down at the serger, picking up a tidbit here and a morsel of info there - it's all good, and The Boy (and his parents, haha) will enjoy his new t-shirt when you git 'r done :) I haven't done anything new this month, I don't think. I've picked out patterns to try, but then when I go downstairs to the sewing room, I end up working on something else! I did do a new to me puppet design yesterday for an Easter gift, but I'd really like to try one of the bag/pouch patterns I've bought or the tutorials I've pinned or saved!

  5. How wonderful to see the Hardhome embroidery with your sewing forming a part of it. You are progressing at a fast rate with the overlocker, Fiona. Wish the Internet had been around when I was learning to use mine.


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