Thursday 30 March 2017

Beach Party

We have been having a welcome burst of sunshine recently so that might explain the beach theme of today's post!

When I visited the Festival of Quilts show in 2015 I naturally indulged in some retail therapy and one of my purchases was a canvaswork kit for a scissor keeper from the Sue Hawkins Needlework stand. Well, it has taken a bit longer than I anticipated but I finally have a finished Beach Hut scissor keeper.

The stitching of the canvaswork was pretty straightforward but the website wasn't wrong when it described making up the box shape as fiddly! I had it turned inside out a couple of times to make sure that I was stitching it up properly.

When it came to the instructions for the cord, I was completely stumped. There were no photos to accompany the text and the text just didn't make any sense to me at all. Fortunately I bought a braid making kit at the Knitting and Stitching Show in Olympia a couple of weeks ago, so this was the ideal opportunity to give it a whirl.

It was a pleasure to sit in the sunshine and manipulate the threads around the card to make this braid, even although it undoubtedly took a lot longer than the original instructions intended :)

Sitting in the sunny SW of France it is easy to agree with this sentiment, might be a bit more difficult to hold on to when I am back on the West Coast of Scotland! Still at least now I will have no excuse for losing scissors down the side of the sofa anymore!

That's my finish for this week's TGIFF, now it is your turn to link up and celebrate your finishes this week. As ever don't make this a solitary celebration click on your fellow linkers and leave a celebratory comment on their fabulous finishes. Grab the blog button and add it to your post so that your readers can join in the fun too.


  1. Very cute little finish!! I need something like that - my thread snips keep disappearing on me!

  2. practical and pretty too, Sue makes the most amazing kits I always spend time on her stand at the shows. Lovely sunny days here too well 2 days of sun not so sure about today

  3. This is adorable!! What a great idea.

  4. Sitting in the sunshine in the south of France - you poor thing! Fiona life is too hard for you - how DO you make it through the days? LOL! We got hammered with snow yesterday - what started out as a few gently falling flakes that we thought would dissipate upon "impact", turned into a snowfall of several hours duration :D Some of it melted during the little bit of rain we then had, but our grass is still white in places :D This SHALL pass - spring is here, but the flowers better stay underground for a while longer, lol!

  5. Just hoping those 2 or 3 days last week weren't summer........

  6. Very cute. Please send sun and warmth!!! I can't wait for winter to be over.

  7. Super cute little beach house / scissors keeper. The cord and card looks like it may be the same as a friendship bracelet. Lucky girl in France.

  8. That is the cutest scissor keeper. I don't know if I'd be able to figure out the braiding at all. . . heh!


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