Monday 15 February 2016


At the moment, the only time that I get to work on the Up, up and away quilt is my Monday quilt group.

Now that I have used up all of the blocks received from the Sunday Morning Quilts Bee, it is down to me to put together the 180 blocks still needed to complete that top.

So, there has been a bit of prepping going on for the class today.

180 2.5" squares cut out and ready to have their triangles attached!

I only had a Kona white in my stash ( I forget which one) and as the first half of the quilt is made with lots of different whites and white tone-on-tones, I didn't want this second half to be only one white fabric, so a little retail therapy was in order.

I am getting there slowly :)


  1. this is going to be a great quilt I too have to book and thrilled with it, best of luck attaching all those triangles

  2. 180 tiny squares, Fiona - that's going to be some quilt!

  3. That's an awful lot of cutting. How about that coffee next week?


  4. WOW @ cutting out 180 of those tiny little squares - my eyes and fingers would complain mightily :D I love the look when there are a bunch of tones of a single colour used as a background - off white, or white, or beige, or even colours like blue or red or PINK - it gives a very co-ordinated look with a nice lively punch :)

  5. This was the very first quilt I fell in love with from Sunday Morning Quilts. Looking forward to seeing yours done.

  6. This quilt is going to be amazing, and huge! So sorry to hear you had to do some fabric shopping, that must have been tough

  7. Oh but how fabulous it's going to be Fiona?! - Chris :D

  8. It's looking fab! Well done for helping the economy!


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