Friday 5 February 2016

30 days and counting!

Apparently it is 30 days since Jen started her 100 day challenge over at Quilter in the Closet, so time for the first check in.

For the challenge participants were asked to nominate three projects to finish in the 100 days timescale, you can see my original post for the challenge here

So, has there been any progress?

Well, yes, surprisingly, there has.

Thanks to a couple of sessions at my new quilt group I have a half-pieced top for the Up, up and away quilt from the Sunday Morning Quilts book. There are still lots of 2.5" blocks to be cut and pieced into strips, but at least from here on in the strips get shorter every time :)

The canvaswork centre for my Embroiderers Guild exhibition piece has now been drawn out on graph paper and stitching has started. Of course I couldn't resist using this as an opportunity to purchase some sparkly new threads, so they have been added to the mix too!

And finally, my secret (and very scary!) EG project has also been started. That is my first ever attempt at whipped chain stitch above and I am really pleased at how it turned out. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of this piece will be as pleasing as I think there are going to be lots of New to Me stitches in there by the end. Of course the opportunity to purchase even more sparkly threads couldn't be passed up here either, hence that lovely hand-dyed ribbon for the whipped stitches: )

So, that's my progress after 30 days, I have a feeling that these projects will be going down to the wire, don't you?

Head on over to Jen's to see how everyone else has risen to the challenge.

Linking up to


  1. Really like the look your embroidery piece and looks like quite a bit of work. You'll have your scrap quit finished in no time!

  2. Wow, you set your self some big challenges there. Doing well though, looking good.


  3. Lots of new experiences! UU&A is looking fab

  4. Those are big challenges - just take a deep breath and remember that a journey of a thousand miles (or 100 days) begins with a single (or 3) steps :D Every time you sit down with one of them you're making progress - just go slowly and enjoy the process(es) :D

  5. 3 projects progressing well, Loving the quilt I have the book and there are quite a few I would like to make, if only there were more hours in the day

  6. Quite some goals there, Fiona and all at once. I have no doubt you'll finish each in the desired time, even if there's some last minute sewing. The embroidery is looking lovely.

  7. OH, your quilt is looking good! Interesting project!

  8. makes my challenges seem 'wimpy'! Good luck and look forward to catching up when the next deadline comes around!

  9. You're getting on well with those projects. I love the quilt :)

  10. Looks like you are making great progress on all of your projects. I'm sure you will get them finished, even if it does involve a little last minute rush. I always find that having a deadline is always great to focus your efforts and that as you get closer to the finish time you get a lot more productive and determined. I'm really looking forward to seeing all of your projets done as they all look great.

  11. It looks like you're making good progess! That scrap quilt looks lovely, and yippee for rows that get shorter each time :)

  12. FABULOUS!!!!! You get a gold star from me! I am so intrigued by your secret project, I can't wait to see it!!!

  13. The whipped stitch looks fab. Can't wait to see what other stitches you try out on it


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