Tuesday 18 November 2014

Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew November

Well you can't say that we haven't been warning you for a while, but with the countdown to Christmas now being measured in days in my local Post Office, it really is time to knuckle down and get that Christmas crafting started!

So, with that in mind welcome to this month's Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew Link party.

This month's link party is hosted by the very talented Joanne at Rose and Dahlia. Joanne was one of the contributors to the lovely Christmas jumper quilt in the recent issue of Fat Quarterly, and she has been stitching up a storm of Swoon blocks, definitely one to check out if you haven't come across her before! Joanne has a great project lined up for keeping all of those Christmas wrapping essentials neat and tidy, and that is definitely something that I could do with :)

If you are new to the party, let me fill you in on the details. Paula and I decided at the end of last year that Christmas 2014 was going to be different, this time round there would be no late-night sewing sessions or frantic last-minute dashes to the Post Office. This time we were going to work on Christmas and Holiday projects throughout the year so come December we would be so organised we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves :)

We decided to share our plans with our blogging friends and invite them to be organised too, with a monthly Link Party to provide a gentle nudge. As ever we have a lovely incentive for you to get crafting and linking and this time we have some FQ's of lovely Christmas fabric to give your Christmas crafting a nudge.


 The winners of last month's givewaways were Karen at Practically Pippy and Sandra at Suddenly Sandra. Thanks for linking up!

 Having only returned from yet another holiday my Christmas crafting has been somewhat minimal this month, but I have at least one Christmas project to add to my tally.

My Celtic Christmas Bauble cushion

So, now it is your turn to head on over to Rose and Dahlia and link up your Christmas projects for November. As ever the link party will remain open until the end of the month so there is plenty of time to get those projects completed!

Grateful thanks as always to our generous giveaway prize sponsors.

Fluffy Sheep QuiltingRay Stitch HaberdasheryBackstitch

Quiet PlayQuilting Fabric at the Fat Quarter ShopPlush Addict Logo  Posie: Patterns and Kits to Stitch by Alicia Paulson


  1. We're in the home stretch - sewing machines are humming, wallets are getting a work-out, and lists are being written and rewritten :D I made an owl stuffy this morning, and tonight I cut out a matching tote bag to go with it - I have a lot of patterns and tutorials for owl projects, so this gift was easy to plan :D

    At this point in the season it's getting easier to make final decisions as to what gifts to make - I start planning at the beginning of the year but a lot of times, I can't come up with an idea until it gets thisclose to Christmas! Sometimes I get too many ideas (especially for the kids) - then I can't pick and choose, LOL. I can't imagine doing Christmas now without the benefit of the internet for shopping, crafting inspiration and just chatting with other people who are also trying to get prepared :D

  2. Love the Christmas Bauble pillow!

  3. Wow, your pillow is impressive. I have to admit, it looks a little intimidating to tackle. But the results are so worth it ... and worth breaking into your Liberty stash!

  4. Scary times - I must definitely get a move on! It seems to warm to be so near to December already!


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