Friday 14 November 2014

Celtic Christmas

It is a very long time since I posted this photo of the fabric pull for an upcoming project

Well, the top fabric was discarded in favour of green bias strips and the project eventually became this

my Celtic Christmas Bauble cushion! 

The applique is made with some of my carefully hoarded Liberty lawn and ready-made fusible bias strips. The pattern and instructions for the cushion has just been published in this

There are so many wonderful projects in this issue it is hard to pick a favourite, but isn't that Christmas sweater themed quilt on the front cover just wonderful?

After a very long absence I am delighted to finally have a Friday finish :)

Linking up to  Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. that is a nice idea Christmas cushions

  2. Oooh get you Mrs Published. Congrats! I love the cushion!

  3. I saw this in the mag, it looks lovely, not sure my applique is up to that!

  4. Nice to have you back Fiona, and this is such a pretty Christmas cushion :-)

  5. Congratulations on being published! Don't forget us when you're rich and famous, will you? It's a fab cushion, so cleverly done.

  6. WOW that's a gorgeous pillow - my applique definitely isn't up to that - yours is impeccable!

  7. Very festive :) . I like to decorate with pillows.
    Since we are having Thanksgiving at my daughter's house this year I am having a strong urge to get out the Christmas things. I am not looking forward to the mess that comes with it though. Yea for you in the Fat Quarterly! I like to look at the blogs of those contributing. Always finding something inspiring there. Janita

  8. And we are so lucky that you are back too! Beautiful cushion, Fiona! That celtic bias style is on my to try list too. May just have to pick up that Fat Quarterly issue. Thanks for the tip! Congrats!

  9. Congratulations on being published. Beautiful appliqué too.

  10. Yay for another publication!! What a beautiful cushion and I love the design and colors!

  11. Congrats on being published, Fiona!!! Your applique and cushion are truly beautiful.

  12. This looks great! Congrats on being published :)

  13. Congratulations! This is a fantastic pattern and the cushion is beautiful. Shame to use it just for Christmas!

  14. Very nice indeed - congratulations!!!

  15. What a great cushion design, well done on your success of being published.


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