Tuesday 23 April 2013

Two out, three in!

I have been on the road in the last couple of weeks, both North and South. Before I went South I managed to post off both of my blocks for April in the Sunday Morning Quilts Bee.

Grammie Q asked for a strip block with aqua and a hint of orange applique for the Gumdrops quilt she plans to make.

SMQ block April 2

This block couldn't have been easier, as the applique will be stitched down during the quilting I only had to stitch the shapes down along the bottom of the strip after they were fused!

Tessophia is planning to make a rainbow quilt so asked us to sign up to make a slab of a particular colour. I chose blue as it is the biggest bag of scraps I have.

SMQ block April 1

 Having made over a dozen of these blocks for Round 1 of the SMQ Bee this was another quick block to whip up. Next month it is my turn to receive blocks and I will need to get my act together soon to decide which of the many lovely quilts in the book I would like my Bee mates to contribute to.

In between the road trips, I received the first of my blocks from the Star of Africa Bee. I had seen the blocks in the Flickr group but the photographs definitely do not do them justice.

I have asked the Bee members to make a block on the theme of houses, as I have always wanted to make a quilt based on the Schoolhouse block, but never managed to get around to it. Being the creative bunch that they are the interpretation of the theme has been great fun to see.

SLIK stitches SoA Bee block

Benta has traveller families living near her village so stitched up a traveller caravan complete with open campfire for her block! Isn't it wonderful?

Patti's SoA block

Patti sent me a block to represent the barns and silos that dot her prairie landscape. Check out that large green cat at the window!

House pincushion front

Look at the block and matching pincushion that arrived from Janine, isn't that the cutest thing?

I am a month behind on this Bee as the request for a block based on trees in March has challenged my creative juices! As ever I have an idea but the hard part is translating that into a quilt block :)

In between flitting about I have managed to sign up for the Texty Charm Swap too. You can never have too much text fabric :)

Text swap fabric
Some Summersville is my contribution to the swap! I really like this fabric so I might just have ordered a bit extra for me :)

Off to catch up on all the posts that I missed.

Linking up to

Quilter in the Closet     Plum and June  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhdE0QcOG2aB0NTxa8CuvCJYD1GdC4HWnOx9WFSqTJOxPY7_9VqOKxABzrlUYFooxz1rqtXr06yHjZyV53UTG9_ewAUpkQBLLx60E6x1Wh6MHR9dGUtzKMFqYZyzm10jPeeNDUjamkmHnM/s1600/BOM+Button.jpg


  1. Lovely to have you back! Fab bee blocks both yours and others!

  2. these look like so much fun!

  3. That gumdrop quilt sounds like fun.

  4. Wow - a nice bunch of work there, between your outs and ins! Love the house interpretations. And what fun to do the gumdrop strips.

  5. You received some beautiful blocks, love the house block.

  6. Looks like a great exchange in and out there :o)

  7. You have been busy! Love the houses based blocks.

  8. I also enjoyed making the gum drops block. It was really fun. The block you received are beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing what quilt you choose.

  9. Don't you love a nice easy bee block now and then?! Yours look great!

    Some great houses coming in too - love how varied they are!

  10. Some lovely blocks going both ways! I'm always impressed by the way you keep up with all these bees and swaps - you must be in about ten :)


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