Monday 8 April 2013

Q2 FAL - hope and ambition

Having only managed to complete one of my three projects for Q1 in the FAL, I am hoping to have a better showing at the end of Q2.

she can quilt

With the HST BOM quilt from Q1 already backed and basted, I really would like to get it finished this Quarter. So it will be the first of my projects for Q2.

In Color Order BOM basted
In Color Order HST BOM

On a visit home last August I took a Stitchery Class at a LQS, and although the embroidery has since been completed the plan to make it into a cushion has yet to be realised. So this will be another project for Q2, and, hopefully, as it is a relatively small project one that can be completed without too much effort!

The other project carried over from Q1 is completion of the Sunday Morning Quilt from Round 1 of the Bee. The final blocks arrived in February so I really should have got around to putting them together by now, especially as we are already well into Round 2! My month in Round 2 is coming up in May, so it would be nice to have the first quilt finished before the blocks for the second start to arrive :)

 So that's the hope of the title and here's the ambition!

I promised my son and his girlfriend a quilt for their new flat ages ago, they even picked out the fabrics when they were home at Christmas, but since then I have changed my mind lots of times about what I am going to do for them. So, I am drawing a (figurative) line in the sand and the dithering has to stop. In Q2 I will decide upon a pattern and make it!

Image of 7 different fabrics from the Madrona Road Fabric Collection
So these are my plans for Q2, as you can see I am always the optimist :)

Linking up to

she can quilt


  1. Those are some lovely projects - look forward to seein them finished :-)

    1. *seeing* them finished! Sigh I never do well when the kids get up at 6am

  2. I love the fabrics son and g/f have chosen, that will be fab, and the rainbow blocks are great, really cheerful combinations

  3. I believe you can do it Fiona!

  4. A lovely line up of projects. Enjoy the process ; )

  5. Glad to see I'm not the only one carrying forward some unfinished Q1 work. We have to be optimistic because it's the best motiviation for moving forward. Have fun this quarter!

  6. I love the fabrics they picked out. I look forward to seeing the completed quilts and cushion - I'm glad I'm not the only one with half completed projects lurking in corners!

  7. Looks like you have lots to keep you busy. I am finding that small projects are suiting me much better this year - along with my one big blanket project.

    Looking forward to seeing your finished pieces.

  8. Good luck on this quarter! I know you can do it! I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the last project. It is a great color combo!

  9. Looks like you are going to be super busy. You can do it! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.

  10. Good luck with them! As for #3, it took me 9 months to assemble my Brit Bee top, under 2 months is nothing ;o)

  11. Great list of different projects!!
    I love the look of those bee blocks, can't wait to see them together!

  12. You're a busy woman :) I love the colors in your Sunday morning quilt. So cheerful. Plus, you have an apron to do to ;)


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