Friday 27 January 2012

Fireflies block Sew Happy QAL

Halfway through the blocks for the Sew Happy QAL and I am still in there! When I signed up for this I worried that I would not be able to keep up, but so far, fingers firmly crossed, it hasn't been a problem.

This block looked quite daunting when I first saw it, but with my new best friend, the starch spray, it came together much more easily than I had thought. Thanks Sew Happy Geek for the tip!


  1. It looks great! Why do you need the starch spray (newbie quilter here!)?

  2. Thanks Fiona, it makes the fabric slightly stiff so that when you cut it it isn't slipping about and it won't stretch out of shape whilst you are sewing it either. This is the first time I have ever used it and it really has made a difference. Everything is just crisper - does that make sense?

  3. Fiona, love the colour combination you have used, and I love starch too!

  4. Hurray! Thank you for joining the Monthly Make for 2012. I am really looking forward to seeing what you make! I am going to try very hard this year and really hope that we can support one another! If you do a post about your make then please pop by and leave me a comment so that I can come over and see it! Love Annie x ♥♥♥

  5. You did a terrific job with it! Yeah, I love that starch - worth the trouble of using it, for sure!

  6. Beautiful block! Love the colors.

    1. Thanks, I can't take any credit for the colours as they were picked by my daughter-in-law!


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