Sunday 10 January 2021

You win some, you lose some

 Sewing clothes for my grandsons is definitely testing my abilities and not just my ability to stitch a straight line! I have been making more tops for the boys, and matching patterns has again been a challenge.

First up a Snowman top for the littler grandson

and a win! A Snowman the right way up :)

Next up, a much more ambitious Octopus Hoodie for the older grandson. Some wins here too

Check out the pattern matching on that front pocket! I confess to being a little bit thrilled when I saw that :)

Sadly the joy did not last, unbeknownst to me there was a disaster waiting in the wings!


 I hadn't realised until I put it together that I had cut the hood pieces out upside down because what I thought would be the top of the hood when it was sewn was actually going to be the bottom. So those octopi and boats you see above are all going to be upside down when the hood is worn up! Naturally when I realised that I also discovered that I didn't have enough material left to cut out another two hood pieces :( 

Rather than ditch the hood altogether ( I was tempted!) I decided to soldier on and hope that my grandson wouldn't even notice.

Fortunately he didn't and neither did his parents until I told them!

This snuggly Bear top for the littler grandson restored my faith though.

A perfectly placed hedgehog made me so happy :) 

Then just for a change a double-sleeved Fair Isle t-shirt for his big brother. I have actually had this fabric since the recipient was a baby so it was really good to finally get around to making something for him with it. 

You can no doubt imagine the happy dance that ensued when I saw these stripes :) Fortunately there was no patterns to match up or make sure they were the right way up with my last makes for them.

Given the length of the queues outside our local Post Office before Christmas, these outfits were made up into several parcels that would fit in the letterbox at the end of our road to be sent off. I am happy to report that they all arrived safely and the recipients were pleased to receive them. The little chocolate gifts inside each parcel might have had something to do with that too though :)


  1. Oh, how lovely! They look so cozy!

  2. I miss the joy(and challenges) of sewing for little ones. Maybe someday I will have grand children to sew for. Beautiful items to keep the boys cosy.

  3. Snuggling into those cuddly clothes and munching on chocolate - perfect!

  4. In the mid 1980's I got a Serger sewing machine and made many outfits and dress for the littles out of Health Tex knits. It is so hard to find good cotton knits now. That machine is now collecting dust in hiding now.

    1. The serger makes life so much easier doesn't it QG! I am looking forward to a day when I can make dresses too :)

  5. Everything looks great to me, even with the upside down octopi :) Those grandsons of yours must be the best dressed boys in their neighbourhood!

  6. How adorable. The animals are awesome.

  7. No way will the grandson notice any upside down octopi - besides, when the hood is down, they'll be right way up. Awesome matching with the pocket. Great makes, and feel good, too, both for you and the recipients - not to mention their parents.

  8. They absolutely love them! They are always the best dressed boys in the playpark :-)

  9. You are an awesome grandma!!! They are fab


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