Saturday 25 July 2020

Twins and titles

I have been feeding my boys clothes making obsession with some scary new additions to my sewing kit.

I have been thinking of subscribing to the Ottobre pattern magazine for a while now but have always put it off, partly because I didn't think that my dressmaking skills were up to it. I really want to make contemporary, practical outfits rather than classic clothes for the gorgeous grandsons (and, hopefully, future grandsons and granddaughters!) so I finally decided to bite the bullet :)

Now, I know that the magazine itself doesn't look scary

but what about this? There are 36 patterns with various size options in the issue, so to conserve space they are printed like this on 6 different pattern sheets. It is a bit daunting at first to try and work out which lines you are actually following to trace off a pattern, but I did get into the swing of it after a while.

The instructions for one of the patterns that I chose to try included a requirement to use twin needles, another New to Me addition to the sewing kit.

It took a couple of goes (and a quick look at this video on YouTube!) to get the needles threaded properly as the thread kept snapping the first couple of times I tried stitching. Eventually, though, I had another tool to add to my quest for professional looking clothing to add to my stitching repertoire :)

That is not to say that it is all plain sailing! This neckline is a bit wavy for my liking, so I think that next time I will have a go at using this tip to use a walking foot instead of the regular presser foot at Made by Rae. As the saying on my sewing room poster goes, however, "Finished is better than perfect"!

And here is that first finished project, a t-shirt for the nearly 4-yr old gorgeous grandson! You can see how wavy the neckline is but other than that I am pretty proud of it. The police car fabric is from Stoff & Stil and as I bought 1.5m and these t-shirts take up very little fabric there will be some more of these coming his, and his little brother's, way in the future :)

Have you conquered any scary looking projects recently?


  1. Those Ottobre patterns have always been too intimidating for me with all those lines. Great going mastering Ottobre yourself and for sewing with a twin needle. A super cute little t-shirt.

  2. Oh my - all those pattern lines! Cute shirt though!

  3. That does look intimidating! I've used a twin needle a couple of times, too and it does really up the look of the finished garment, doesn't it? I might need to break mine out more often :) Your grandsons will be the best dressed kids around!

  4. The pattern reminds me of something I had as a child called a spirograph! You did well to trace the right pattern. The finished shirt has turned out beautifully. I'm looking forward to seeing what you will make next :)

  5. I've always wondered how double needle stitching works. You've inspired me to go look at some videos and learn more. My machine can only do a single, straight stitch, though. Good for you for tackling this new skill :)

  6. These are absolutely adorable Fiona, it seems like only yesterday you welcomed your first grandson and now you have two ❤️💕❤️


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