Tuesday 28 April 2020

Lighthouse love

Since the weather here recently has been lovely I have taken the opportunity to pick up (and finish!!) a project that has been on the go for I think 7 or maybe 8 years. (I checked back and it is only 6 years now I don't feel quite so bad!) In my defence it has always been something that I picked up in a spare moment rather than something I work on consistently. To be fair though I think that description could probably be applied to most of my projects if they don't have a deadline, and sometimes even when they do!

The kit had twelve lighthouse scenes printed on 9" blocks for embroidering. It was really difficult to take a photo of them all together so I am afraid this is the best that I could do.

 I bought this kit when we were on a cruise from Montreal to Miami in this quilt shop in Bar Harbor in Maine.

The fabric really needs pressing before I cut the blocks up ready for adding sashing. In a couple of places the blue embroidery lines have run though and I am worried that if I iron the blocks it might set the blue ink so it won't come out in the wash. If I wash the fabric before cutting I will lose the cutting lines. All advice welcome :)


  1. Oh i just love these blocks--just so pretty--They will bring wonderful memories of your trip to Maine. [My uncle lived on Cliff Island off the Maine Coast and was a lobsterman...we would go and visit in the Summers--wonderful times...]
    Stay safe ~ ~ ~ waving from afar Julierose~ ~ ~

  2. They're so pretty! Could you go over the cutting lines with something more permanent that won't wash out? You won't see those lines once everything is cut out and pieced with the sashing.

  3. What a lovely memory of your cruise in happier times, no nasty virus doing the rounds of passengers back then.

  4. I have no advice about the lines, but those are very nice lighthouses! I'm rather fond of nautically themed things :)

  5. No advice but lots of love for the lighthouses - they are gorgeous!!!

  6. Who knew there were so many styles of lighthouses. They are lovely. Don't know why, but they reminded me of your beach huts lamps.


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