Wednesday 1 May 2019

Reflections in the rain

Today is the reveal day for the Endeavourers Quilt Group, where we unveil our makes for the quarterly theme. The theme for this quarter was "Raindrops keep falling on my head" which doesn't immediately bring quilts to mind you have to admit!

My piece for the reveal is entitled "Reflections in the rain", it is quilted, beaded and appliqued slubbed silk joined in 4 pieces to create a 3-D raindrop.

When I started to think about this project I remembered seeing these amazing felted teardrops several years ago at a textile art exhibition in Riga, so they were the inspiration for my project. I knew that I wanted to make a 3-D piece for the theme so experimented with shapes to create the raindrop that I wanted.

The prototype that I stitched was definitely more raindrop shaped than the final piece, but as they say "finished is better than perfect!"

I used the instructions in this book for the appliqued heads and it seemed to work well.

Fabrics are coated with Mod Podge before cutting, which gives them a nearly plastic feel and made cutting out intricate shapes like the Japanese lady's head above much easier than it would otherwise have been!

I added small seed beads to the ends of the radiating machine quilted lines to replicate more raindrops

and layered my coated heads across the base of the raindrop before stitching them down with invisible thread.

As ever there were lots of challenges throughout the making of this piece, but also, as ever, I thoroughly enjoyed creating "Reflections in the Rain" for this quarters Endeavourers Challenge.

To check out the wonderful projects that my fellow Endeavourers have produced for this quarter's challenge head on over to the Endeavourers blog and prepare to be amazed :)


  1. A great interpretation of the theme, Fiona - the beads + stitching is quite realistic. I must remember that mod podge trick for cutting fiddly pieces.

  2. Oh my, I do love this. What a great interpretation! I just read about the Modge Podge trick; I'm going to have to try that.

  3. I never could have imagined such a raindrop! The piecing alone is a tour deforce. I used the Modge podge on my umbrella as well, but I was impatient and the surface was a bit tacky when I cut it. It is a really elegant interpretation of the challenge.

  4. So creative. I love the beads. Well done!

  5. Well done, Fiona! The 3D interpretation is fantastic :)

  6. Hooray for our first 3D art quilt! I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do next!

  7. This is a brilliant response to the theme and your raindrop has turned out really well. It's interesting to see those felted tear drops too. I can see why they inspired you :)

  8. Well done Fiona! A great interpretation of the theme. Loved all the appliqué heads.
    The seed beads were a great idea and really it look as if it was there was a lot of rain around the central raindrop!
    A great piece!
    Barbara xx


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