Thursday 12 July 2018

A beast of a finish!

Today I am hosting the TGIFF link party, so if you are new to the party welcome I hope you enjoy your visit.

My finish for the party has been a long time in the making, I blogged about it nearly a year ago here when the front was finished but then the project hit the proverbial brick wall. There is nothing like a looming deadline for a completed project to concentrate the mind though is there :)

I am always annoyed with myself when I finally getting around to finishing a project that I have been putting off for a long time and find that the actual finishing is fairly quick and very straightforward. Needless to say that is what happened here!

I used this tutorial by Chris Dodsley for the hidden zipper at the back. I have used this technique on several cushion backs now and really like the clean lines and neat finish that it achieves. I also like the pop of colour that I end up with on the back of my normally plain cushion covers. The front fabric is a grey linen and the back is a light grey quilting cotton with the dark purple band for the hidden zip. I am fairly sure that I kept enough of the purple patchwork pieces used in the reverse applique on the front, to make a hidden zipper band but, of course, couldn't find it when I went to make it. I shall probably find it in the next day or so :)

The cushion was originally intended for our eldest son's wife, who loves purple, but as our youngest son has just recently moved into a new flat and he is a big fan of Stag decor then it only seems right to gift it to him instead. He is not the gentlest of users of a handmade cushion so I am hoping that the reverse applique will stand up to the wear and tear. Having said that he has moved in with his lovely girlfriend so I am keeping my fingers crossed that this and any future cushions will fare a bit better under that much more benign feminine influence :)

So, that's my finish for the TGIFF link party, now it is your turn to link up and share your finishes. As ever a bit of encouragement is always welcome so check out your fellow linkers and share some of the celebrations around. Include the TGIFF blog button in your post if you link up so that your followers can check them out too.


  1. LOL oh boy do I hear you on the UFOs that sit and sit and then a deadline makes us finish them and it was so quick... Love the multi-fabric stag and the back is great! I remember seeing that tutorial; must use it on my next cushion, usually too lazy to do a zipper, just the envelope back ha! Hope your son's gf will help preserve this beast! Thanks for hosting!

  2. The pillow is lovely, great gift for your son and his girlfriend. Now you just have to make another one your other son's wife, and it will be a lot faster this time :)

    Thank you so much for hosting!


  3. I love your pillow, and it's a great finish! I enjoy having a deadline too, very stimulating ;)) Thank you for hosting TGIFF this week!

  4. Love the reverse applique! Yes, those deadlines can keep us moving forward.

  5. What a cool pillow!! the design is stunning

  6. I relate to everything you said about delayed finishes :-) I have a pile of them sitting on my table. The patchwork applique is stunning. Great finish! Thanks for the linky party.

  7. What a super pillow! Love the patchwork purple against the gray. I get held up at the point where I need to add a zipper, then it isn't as awful as I expected. You'd think that would make me brave the next time, but nope :) Congrats on the cute finish!

  8. It looks great. Congrats. It is so easy to let WIPs languish around. I love a hidden zipper.

  9. I like the stag! Hope it gets the care it deserves.

  10. Wonderful pillow. Where/when was the original pattern published? Have never tried reserve appliqué but always time to learn plus I love a good deer.

    1. Svea, the pattern was originally published in Love Patchwork and Quilting you can download the stag template at

  11. I'm with you on stalling a project, for next to no reason, and then finishing quickly for a deadline. Does make you wonder why we stop. A great finish!


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