Thursday 1 February 2018

A Force of Nature

Last year I read that Janine at Rainbow Hare and Catherine at Knotted Cotton were setting up a new Art Quilt Group, the Endeavourers, and inviting their fellow bloggers to join them. Needless to say I couldn't resist the opportunity, so duly signed up and then worried about what I had let myself in for!

In November we were given the first theme for the group, Nature, with a deadline of February 1st. Well the deadline is well and truly here so I can reveal my "Force of Nature" quilt for the first time.

I live right on the seafront on the West Coast of Scotland, so I regularly witness the power and majesty of nature in its watery and windy pomp. On a trip to the Lake District last Easter, however, I was really taken with the capacity for Nature to overcome man made obstacles that are put in its way, such as the moss covered dry stone wall in the photo below.

I decided to focus on representing the power of Nature and its ability to reclaim spaces that Mankind has abandoned in my quilt for the group.

To find out more about the process and thinking behind my quilt head on over to the Endeavourers Blog, and check out how the rest of the group chose to represent the theme. It is fascinating to see the many different ways in which the same theme has been interpreted. 


  1. I love the movement created by the little triangles, and the way you used the rusty colors to portray manmade things.

  2. I love your inspiration and photos. Your quilt has turned out beautifully :)

  3. That moss wall is awesome. I can understand the inspiration it provided, and see it in your mini quilt.

  4. I'm so glad it wasn't just me finishing everything off at the last minute. I love your quilt and the thinking behind it!

  5. Love your inspiration photos. Your interpretation of nature taking over is wonderful. I like how you created the tunnel and left a few man made traces in your quilt.



  6. Loved reading your post - great photos and a though provoking take on the theme!


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