Wednesday 8 November 2017

Happy Mail 2

Our postman has been the deliverer of lots of happy mail recently, and today's post is all about a very special parcel that arrived a while ago. I planned to blog about this earlier but I really wanted to take a photo outdoors and the weather has been terrible recently! Finally though we got a hint of sunshine so I rushed out with my camera and this amazing quilt.

Ages ago Leanne who blogs at Devoted Quilter and I decided to have a mini swap. We both agreed not to put ourselves under any time pressure for the swap so would send out the swap whenever we were ready. Well, it turns out Leanne was a lot more organised than I was :)

This beautiful quilt arrived on my doorstep all the way from Canada, isn't it gorgeous?

In the letter that accompanied the quilt, Leanne wrote that she wanted to create a quilt that reflected my love of travelling. The quilt is called " Four Corners"with the four different coloured corner units representing the Four Corners of the Globe, the centre circle representing home and the black sashing strips representing all the roads leading to new and exciting places. I have to say that I was absolutely blown away by the thought that Leanne put in to this quilt.

I couldn't wait to iron the quilt before taking a photo so the lumps and bumps you see in the photo above are due to the folds for postage. If you want to see some lovely photos of the quilt in its original home check out Leanne's post here

Leanne went on to tell me that there are actually Four Corners of the earth according to the Flat Earth Society and that she had visited one in Newfoundland this summer! So not only do I have a lovely new quilt to hang on my sewing room wall, but I also learned something new about the world to boot!

Not content with sending a lovely quilt Leanne added in two FMQ'ed Christmas ornaments similar to the ones I had admired in her earlier post. I think a sewing-themed Christmas tree might be on the cards this year :)

I have to confess that I have not finished my half of the swap but our kitchen has been ripped out back to the bare bricks so there is not much in the way of cooking or washing going on here at the moment I might just get a chance to hide away in my sewing room and get cracking on it!


  1. What a lovely, thoughtful gift! That FMQ motif Leanne did in the quarter circles is really pretty, too :)

  2. Nice things certainly come out of Canada (want some snow? We have some to share now, if you wish!) :) The quilt is just beautiful - the letter that came with it, needs to be kept and saved with the quilt - what a lovely background story! I've heard of the Flat Earth Society but hadn't even thought that it might be here in Canada :D

  3. I'm so glad you like your quilt, Fiona! I hope your kitchen gets put back to rights soon. I can't imagine life without being able to cook, though I wouldn't mind not doing dishes for a while :)

  4. Lucky girl - a beautiful, and thoughtful quilt.

  5. Leanne is so thoughtful. She put a lot of thought and effort into making this special for you. Who knew there were actually four corners.


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