Saturday 25 November 2017

Braving public scrutiny

It is time to celebrate the swings and roundabouts of trying out something new again, welcome to November's New to Me link party!

If you have tried something for the first time this month, link up and share your experience with your fellow bloggers, who knows you might inspire them to try it out too! If things didn't quite go to plan then share that too, you could save a fellow blogger some angst :)

This month New to Me's are a bit thin on the ground but I have added a new tutorial to the blog here for the Scrappy Christmas Tree trim.

More daunting, I also entered my Camera Club's competition for the first time!

For reasons beyond my control I had to submit my entries the morning after the deadline so it was a rather hurried selection process. Getting the entries into the format needed though took more time than selecting them did!

These were the photos that I eventually submitted with some trepidation it has to be said :) Turns out I was right to be worried.

Although I did crop the Anchor photo before I sent it off, (the image above is the uncropped version) I clearly didn't crop it enough as the external judge added a huge arrow with question marks to the (to my mind!) tiny little bit of white that I had inadvertently left in the bottom left hand corner. That didn't bode well for the review of the other two photos but fortunately they fared slightly better. It was a very public learning experience :)
The judging seemed to be as much, and sometimes more, about the entrant's ability to manipulate a photo with software, which seemed a bit strange to me but who am I to know ??

So, you have seen my New to Me's now it is your turn. As ever the link will remain open until the end of the month, so if you are planning to turn your hand to handmade gifts for the first time then don't forget to link them up! Check out our lovely linkers too as a little bit of encouragement goes a long way when everything is new and daunting.


  1. Wow - the judge was harsh! Good on you for entering your photos. Sounds like you're learning a lot, and quickly.

  2. Very brave, indeed! I like your photos very much. It must be difficult to be a judge, always looking for what's a bit off instead of just enjoying the nice parts. Good for you for being willing to stretch yourself!

  3. Very brave to expose your work to be judged - I'd be on tenterhooks myself :D Consider it a learning experience - each time you go through that you'll learn new and different things, and it will get easier. I agree with Louise about judging meaning looking for what's off - I personally wouldn't be able to do it because I prefer to look for the good, not the bad (of course, looking for the bad is "helping" people, in theory, but still ...).

    I haven't had a New to Me in months, but I'll finally have one for this month! A few days ago I spotted a tutorial for a newly designed "item" (there may or may not be a zipper involved, LOL) and finally got the decks cleared enough to cut out a trio of them. The cutting was such that it made best use of the fabrics to cut multiples - I found remnants of 3 fabrics in one line that would work perfectly, so this morning I sat down and sorted and cut and kitted. I'll be happy to get ONE done by Wednesday - I can't wait to try the new design!

  4. Oh, dear - I don't know the first thing about what photography judges would look for, so I'm sure anything I submitted would get hammered! I like this New To Me idea. I actually had a "Hmm. . . .Ah-hah!" experience yesterday when working on some intricate paper piecing, so I've linked that. Maybe someone else will find the "new" tool info useful as well.

  5. I think your photos look great. Your Christmas tree looks lovely too. You've had a great year of new projects and adventures :)

  6. I have issues with photography judges too - if you want to judge photoshopped pictures that's fine, but that's not what I've entered in your *photography* competition!!! Annnnnnnnnd rant over - I love your pics!!!!!

  7. Just stopping by to say I hope you had a good Christmas and I wish you and your family a Happy New Year! x


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