Friday 13 October 2017

Happy Mail 1

It was my birthday at the end of the summer (what summer???) and as our boys and their wives/girlfriends all live many miles away from us birthday presents these days arrive in the post.

Whilst my family obviously know that I quilt, the room full of fabric is a bit of a giveaway (!) they don't often cater to that in their gift-giving. I suspect, in part, as it is probably quite hard to work out what might be appropriate/useful and what might not.

So, you can imagine my surprise and delight when this turned up on my birthday.

Two metres of Liberty fabric from our eldest son and his wife!!!

I have bought bits and pieces of Liberty fabric over the years but other than this Jewellery Roll and this Bias Applique cushion I have not been brave enough to cut into any of it. Clearly that will need to change as my son and his wife will undoubtedly expect to see that bundle transformed into something substantial sometime soon :)

Whilst I was happily stroking that gorgeous bundle of fabric Ruth at Charly & Ben's Crafty Corner was pondering on the nature of blogging and rewarding her loyal readers with a fabric giveaway. To my surprise a few weeks later I received an email from Ruth telling me that my name had been picked out of the (virtual) hat as the giveaway winner!

After we returned from holiday this lovely bundle arrived in the post. We are just in the process of remodelling our bedroom and it will be decorated in a palette of sage greens and stone with a hint of pink so these fabrics couldn't have been a better match if I had planned it myself. The bedroom has been stripped back to the bare boards so I have plenty of time to plan what to do :)

Aren't surprises in the post lovely to receive?


  1. Happy belated Birthday! Lucky you getting the wonderful fabric gifts. No matter how much fabric I have, a gift of more is always pleasing (especially the Liberty...) :)

  2. Ooo, so pretty! What wonderful surprise gifts. Happy mail, indeed!

  3. I haven't even TOUCHED Liberty yet, and you get to hold and fondle and sew it! I have a friend whose daughter (who doesn't sew) visited the Liberty store in London - that's the closest I've ever been to it :D Happy belated birthday, congrats on the lovely fabric win, and well done to the Celtic Son and Celtic DIL, who surely earned many karma points with such a lovely gift :D

  4. Ooh, lucky girl. What a truly wonderful, and special gift from your son and his wife. Now to decide what to make and then to get up the courage to cut into it. ENJOY!!!

  5. Lucky lady. Love the Liberty fabric, they clearly have very good taste. x


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