Friday 14 July 2017

Good to Go

Remember this hat?

Well, I couldn't just send a hat off to my friend's new grandson, so I dug through my stash of knit fabric from previous projects for the gorgeous grandson and found enough fabric to make this.

My go-to t-shirt pattern from Brindille and Twig. I am definitely getting good use out of that pattern!

This one seemed tiny even although it is only a few sizes smaller than I am now using for the gorgeous grandson.

With the addition of a matching pair of leggings, pattern you will have guessed from Brindille and Twig, I had a much more respectable gift to send off in the post.

Next up some summer sewing for the gorgeous grandson's first holiday :)

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. Oh what an adorable outfit - especially the hat!!

  2. such a cute outfit and sure to be loved and worn and thought of as very special.

  3. What a lovely little outfit - you must be so pleased with your gift sewing.

  4. Aw that's lovely - fab present!

  5. So sweet! Perfect little boy's outfit :)

  6. Oh that's such a sweet little outfit - perfect for a little boy :) That t-shirt print is a hoot!

  7. What a cute little outfit you sewed up for your friend's new grandson!

  8. Super, super cute, Fiona. Isn't it good when you can use a pattern over and over.

  9. That's a great little collection! Bet they are delighted!


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