Sunday 25 June 2017

New places, new pattern

Welcome to this month's New to Me link party.

The party where we celebrate and commiserate the highs and lows of attempting new things. Success or failure are all the same here, so if you have tried out something for the first time this month, link up and share your experiences with your fellow bloggers.

My own New to Me experiences this month are very different.

First up a whole New to Me coastline.

Map of Croatia
We recently sailed up the Croatian coastline from Dubrovnik to Zadar, it was a wonderful trip which I will share with you as soon as I have sorted out my photos. At the minute I am struggling to work out which building is which!

Here's a taster :)

This is Omis, which is just south of Split on the above map. Isn't that an amazing backdrop?

We took a boat trip up the River Cetina from here and the scenery was stunning! 

My sewing mojo seems to have deserted me this month so there has been very little in the way of sewing going on, although I did manage to do a little embroidery on our cruise (in between sightseeing and cocktails!).

A friend's daughter has just had a baby boy, so I thought that I could make good use of some of the lovely knit fabric that I splurged on when the gorgeous grandson was born. I knew that I had my Brindille and Twig patterns to use for an outfit, but wanted to make a baby beanie hat to finish it off. So, I searched the internet and found this baby hat pattern and tutorial by Zaaberry.

My New to Me pattern came together really easily, so I can definitely recommend it. The pattern comes with two other variations, so I think I will be revisiting this next time someone I know has a baby.

Unfortunately, the pattern only comes in 0-3 months size, so the gorgeous grandson will not be receiving one for his cute little head :( Fortunately, my mum is an excellent knitter and has kept him supplied with a stream of knitted hats during the winter.

So, that's my New to Me's, now it is your turn. As always the link party will remain open until 23.59 GMT on June 30th, so if you are thinking of trying something new this month but haven't yet here is the nudge that you need. Grab the link party button and take the plunge! Check out the linkers and give them some blogger support for their endeavours too.


  1. Fun travels for you . I have never been to that part of the world. It is fun to see it through your eyes. I love the way the little hat is finished at the top. It is hard to fit all the fun things in isn't it. We are busy with summer gardening and ball games for the grandchildren so that leaves very little time for sewing for me. Love the fresh produce, sad not to be sewing. Enjoy all things lovely in the sweet summertime. Janita

  2. I thought you might be of on your travels as you had not blogged for a while. Looks like a lovely part of the world to visit. Hat is cute shame not big enough for the baby but no doubt you will find a baby o give it to before too long

  3. Cute little baby hat and something that will get lots of use. Look forward to seeing the photos of your travels.

  4. YAY I'm loaded for bear this month - I finally tried a couple of new patterns and have pictures to post :) My little sewing finishes kind of pale in comparison to a New to You coastline though - I'm envious :D

    The hat is adorable - a very sweet gift for a new wee one :)

  5. I hope you had a great time on your adventure. I haven't tried anything new this month, but plan to next month.


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