Friday 10 February 2017

Rescued from Ruin

I am pleased to say that stitching the over zealously trimmed tapestry to a larger piece of canvas worked!

I found some lovely heather-toned wool in my stash and used it to make another brooch

but I like this one so much, I might just keep it for myself!

So, here is the full collection. Can you tell that I really enjoy making these :)

I raided my charm and bead boxes too, and made a couple more Kilt Pin brooches for the sale table too. 

I am hoping the stork scissors charm from Nicole de Bruin on this Pin will appeal to embroiderers at the sale,

and maybe the sewing machine charm on this pin will catch the eye of a quilter!

Discovering a length of tartan ribbon in my stash was the excuse for this Celtic Kilt Pin.

I won't find out until after the event whether the brooches and pins sell, as the sale is on at the same time as a Six Nations international rugby match at Murrayfield in Edinburgh, and as regular readers will have guessed that is where I will be! Scotland will be playing against Italy so there will be lots of these around

and maybe some gladiators too. I shall try to take a photo for the blog if there are :)

Linking up to

Crazy Mom Quilts   


  1. Nice save with the brooch :D I think I'd be first in line to sign up for an event that had gladiators in it, lol! I like tractor pulls ... and gladiators! ;)

  2. Wow, I love your brooches! All so characterful and unique! Good luck for sale and for Scotland against Italy - they had a good match against Ireland last weekend. Personally, I'm going to be cheering for Wales against England! ;)

  3. That is such a pretty collection. I hope they sold well :)


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