Wednesday 21 December 2016

Hamburg Highlights Part 2

It is always fascinating to me to see how modern cities blend the old and the new, and in nowhere I have been was this more impressive than in Hamburg.

The main building in this photo is the newly opened Elbphilharmonie, the newest concert hall in Hamburg. As you can see the building is made up of a modern top upon an old warehouse base. The sides of the building have been designed to represent fish scales and at 110m high it is now the tallest, inhabited building in Hamburg.

I think it is probably a building that you either love or hate, I loved it but my husband hated it!

The construction of the concert hall certainly disproves all those myths about German efficiency as it overran the original completion estimates several times and cost significantly more than the original budget :)

From the site of the Old Fish Market across the harbour, you can get a better impression of how impressive the building is. Of course, a close up view would be even better and as there are 45 apartments in the building, if we ever won the lottery we could have that too!

From one extreme to the other! Shortly after leaving the Old Fish Market area we came across the Strand Pauli beach club, which is apparently open all year round but not at 10.00 a.m. it seems :) I suspect that the type of person who is wandering around taking photos at 10.00 a.m. is not really the clientele that the Strand Pauli is aimed at, don't you?

I hope you have enjoyed this whistle stop tour of Hamburg, it is definitely a city to add to the bucket list.


  1. Its been a few years since I've been to Hamburg but really liked it a lot. Germany is a very beautiful country and different to what I expected when I first visited there. Really like the photo of the bar!

  2. I always enjoy your travel posts, Fiona :) There is so much beautiful scenery and architecture to be seen everywhere!

  3. Errrrrrrrrrr that's quite a building, but I think I'm siding with your hubby on this one. YIKES! :D

  4. Definitely from one extreme to another. I enjoy reading your travel posts and seeing the wonderful places you visit.

  5. I'm about to meet up with the girlfriends that do a different European city each autumn - I think I may have a suggestion!!!!


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