Thursday 8 December 2016

Exploring pastures new

We have had some glorious weather here on the West Coast of Scotland recently, so after our ferry trip to Arran we decided to make the most of the weather with another road trip.

This time we took a ferry to Dunoon

and headed North to Loch Fyne , the largest sea loch in Scotland and Inverary, the location of the home of the Duke of Argyll, chief of the Clan Campbell. As you can see the scenery was spectacular!

My husband was delighted to come across the Fyne Malts shop on the Main Street, and even more delighted when the owner provided him with some samples to try! All of them were pronounced delightful and some of them might have found their way into our shopping bag :)

Equally delightful, but sadly closed for the winter, was Inverary Castle, the ancestral home of the Duke of Argyll. They know how to live those Dukes, don't they??

Avid fans of Downton Abbey, might recognise Inverary Castle as the location of the house party attended by the Granthams in the 2012 Christmas special!

A spectacular day was rounded off with a plate of oysters at the original Loch Fyne Oyster Bar
pronounced the best he's ever tasted by my other half

and an equally delicious fish chowder for me!

Can you tell we are really enjoying exploring our new area :) ????


  1. such a beautiful part of Scotland you live in. Glad I do not have to clean all the windows in the castle! You will have to go back in the summer and have a peep inside and I expect the grounds will be beautiful too

  2. Sounds like you both had a great day, Fiona. Spectacular scenery! I don't know how I ever missed Downton Abbey, but after Christmas I'll be starting with series one.

  3. Sounds delightful Fiona. Nothing better than Good food when you are out and about! Merry Christmas to you .... ready or not .... I am sure I will not be ready : ) How do the days and weeks pass so ???? Janita

  4. Beautiful photos of your trip, thanks for sharing. I have Scots blood in my background (plus English) and a trip from New Zealand to UK some years ago, travelling through Scotland was such a thrill and felt just like coming home. I just loved all the stone walls and buildings, and yes, we even stayed at Inverary!! It was a wonderful trip indeed.

  5. I really enjoy all your travel pictures, Fiona! Thanks for sharing so I can explore vicariously through you :)


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