Friday 26 August 2016

More tiny togs

When I purchased the t-shirt pattern from Brindille and Twig recently I also bought a pattern to make matching leggings for the soon to arrive new grandchild.

Making the leggings involved tangling with knit fabrics and elastic! So I procrastinated for quite a while before taking the plunge.

Finally I decided that it was time to get off that fence and have a go :) I misread the measurements for the first pair so the stitching of the elastic top was narrower than it should have been, which I corrected in the green spotty pair. I was thrilled to bits though that they were instantly recognisable as baby leggings!

Then I might have got carried away and made some more pairs :)

So have ended up with five pairs made to date and plenty of fabric left to add to that total.

Well, a baby can never have too many changes of clothes in the early days can they??

I have just seen the really cute hooded top that Cathy at Blueberry Patch whipped up on her brand-new serger, I am so tempted to give that a go too. 

Linking up to


  1. Lovely leggings Fiona. I look forward to seeing more items for your new grandchild, so exciting.

  2. You are on a roll, Fiona. There'll be no stopping you now.

  3. Will this be your first grand child?

  4. Seriously adorable! Will you be attempting to sew your own clothes now that you've conquered sewing with knits? Or is it the teeny-tiny size that appeals to you?

  5. Awww, these are too adorable Fiona! Baby clothes stitched with love, perfection x

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is a lovely quilt and great that is made from the family shirts. A perfect blanket and heirloom for your adorable grandson :)


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