Friday 22 July 2016

Woodland Friends

A few weeks ago I volunteered to test a paper piecing pattern for Juliet, The Tartankiwi. Juliet has designed a set of patterns on the theme of Woodland animals, and I volunteered to test the bunny pattern.

At the time I completely forgot that my fabric stash was hidden away in the depths of a storage unit somewhere between the NE of England and Scotland! I have some fabric with me in France but not much in the way of scraps, but fortunately I was testing a 4" block so the fabric requirements were not very large and I had the remnants of a low-volume scrap bundle from Plush Addict so it wasn't all bad!

I have to admit to having three attempts at the ears, making a different mistake every time but other than that and despite the size of some of the pieces it all went together fairly easily.

As all of my pincushions are also hidden away in that storage unit I decided to turn my pattern test block into a pincushion. He looks rather sweet don't you think?

Juliet is hosting a QAL for her mini Woodland patterns with some great prizes up for grabs, you can find out more about it here

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. Juliet's patterns are wonderful and you certainly did justice to this adorable bunny! We had one nibbling clover in the lawn this evening and it looked just like yours. So cute!

  2. the bunny makes a good pin cushion, FPP is still on my to learn list

  3. Just been catching up on your news! What exciting times for you :) Love the little bunny too

  4. I made a few sets of placemats in the paper pieced method. I don't like paper piecing. I guess mainly because the pieces are usually so small.

  5. I love Juliet's patterns, though I haven't actually made anything of hers yet. They're all so adorable, though. Your little bunny is sweet and makes a great pincushion. And don't you just hate when you keep making mistakes on the same part???

  6. He is gorgeous! I tested for Juliet too, but have yet to make something from the blocks.

  7. I really admire anyone who has the patience for paper piecing, and always love the results you can get with the method. Your bunny is brilliant.

  8. Great idea to make him into a pincushion, Fiona. I still have one of Juliet's blocks just sitting there waiting to be made into something.

  9. How lovely. I agree with Pam, making it into a pincushion was a great idea. Love it.

  10. Just the cutest little bunny.

  11. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww sweet bun bun pincushion!

  12. That is one cute wee bunny! I'm tempted to hop on over to the QAL. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge!

  13. What a perfectly adorable bunny! I love the use of plaids. It was sweet of you to test the pattern for her.


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