Tuesday 26 July 2016

Meet Cheddar

You have already met Basil and Hilda

and their farmyard friend Daisy the Cow.

Now meet the latest addition to the farmyard

 Cheddar the Mouse!

I only bought one of the frames before I left for France, so I will have to wait until I am back in the UK to frame Daisy and Cheddar.

Linking up to


  1. you are certainly getting quite a farm there, at least with these no mucking out to do

  2. Hmmm, are we seeing a bit of a farmyard obsession starting here? :)


  3. Perfect for a little person's bedroom????

  4. Basil, Hilda, Daisy and Cheddar are all adorable, but Cheddar is my favourite :D

  5. Just perfect for a little person's bedroom, Fiona.

  6. Very cute and just the right size. I think Cheddar is my favourite x

  7. You'll have to show us a photo of them in situ! They are very cute!

  8. very cute cross stitch work. the back ground fabric is lovely too.


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